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Internet still down. Still more chapters. Enjoy :3

Raku's POV

Today was the day of the dance. The whole school was excited, especially the first years. "Raku-saaamaaaaaaaa!!" Tachibana shouted as she hugged my arm. "I can't wait to dance with you tonight!!" She cooed. I chuckled and saw the others coming up to us. "Hey, guys." I smiled.

Tachibana let go of my arm, "so are you ready for tonight?" Shu asked. "Yeah, can't wait." Everyone smiled. "It's good to see you smiling, Raku Ichijou." Tsugumi said giving me a pat on my shoulder. Onodera nodded, "it's always good to maintain a positive attitude." Ruri looked at her, "funny, you didn't do that while preparing for the dance." Onodera blushed, "R-ruri-chan!!" Everyone began laughing.

Everyone.. thank you..

After school :3


The dance was in 2 hours so I had enough time to get ready. I had ironed my pants, white polo, and blazer then hung them. I sighed, there wasn't much to do right now. Just then, my phone rang and I picked it up.


"Ichijou-kun, can you come to the dance right now?"

"Eh? Onodera? It's not seven."

"I know, but we still have a few things we need to set up. Just put on your suit and get over here."

"Okay, okay. Be there in a few."

"Thanks, see you soon!"

I got dressed into my suit and went over to the dance. I saw people still decorating and setting up the sound equipments. "What--" Onodera then passed by me, "Ichijou-kun! Please help set up these last minute decorations!" She said handing me the decorations. "O-okay! By the way Onodera-!" She turned around to look at me, "you look really nice." She smiled at me, "thank you, you too!" She said running to put up the other decorations.

Soon, everything was finally set. The garden looked a lot better and students started coming into the dance. They all stared in amazement, the first years were really excited to be here.

I then saw Chitoge walk in with Tadashi beside her. She looked really beautiful, she had on a simple white dress, her hair was curled and she still wore her ribbon. I just wish she wasn't with that bastard..

"Ichijou-kun." I turn around to see Onodera.

I smiled, "hey, Onodera."

"Would you like to dance?" She asked.

"I should be asking you that," I scratched my head, "but sure."

We went towards the dance floor and started dancing together. The song was a rock n' roll one so we started dancing randomly. Our other friends joined us and we started laughing together. Soon, everyone started slow dancing. Onodera and I were dancing, Ruri and Shu were too, as for Tsugumi? Well, she was dancing with Marika since Marika didn't have a date. (Kinda her fault for turning down the guys who asked her.)

Onodera and I stopped dancing, she then pointed behind me and I turned around to see Chitoge happily dancing with Tadashi. I got a bit sad and looked back at Onodera, she gave me a sad look and I placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm fine. Don't worry." I smiled.

People were still slow dancing. I was drinking some punch with Shu while Onodera was chatting with Ruri. "Hey, dude, Chitoge's alone on the dance floor." Shu said pointing at her. Tadashi was no where to be found so I started making my way up to her. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around to look at me.


"Can I have this dance?"

She smiled and nodded at me. We then began slow dancing in the middle of the dance floor. We then started talking and laughing, but.. it wasn't really the same. She didn't smile at me the way she used to.. I looked down in sadness.

"What's wrong?"

"You.. you really love Raku, don't you?"

"Well.. yes."

"I knew it.."


"I can see the way you look at him.." I started crying.

She tilted her head to the side in confusion and gave me a worried look.

"I know.. because you used to look at me that way.." The tears began streaming down my face fast.

(A/N: If you watched the vow then you should know I just quoted Channing Tatum xD)

The music stopped and both of us had stopped dancing. "Tadashi.." She said, "No.. it's fine." I said wiping my tears away, "I hope he makes you happy.." I walked away from her not looking back.

Chitoge's POV

"I know because.. you used to look at me like that.."

He.. used to look at me like that.. Who was I before..?

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