8 (Dedication chapter)

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I finally have access to a laptop :) Ugh, it's so hard typing on a phone I swear T__T Here you go guys, chapter 8. Enjoy :) Oh btw, thanks for the 900 reads on my other story Our Nisekoi! :D I love you guys so much ^_^ So I dedicate this chapter to all of you! :D (Yes, Chitoge is the dense one now in this story xD)

Raku's POV 

Today was the day, the day Chitoge and I became a fake couple but now, we're a real couple now. I got out of bed and put on my school uniform, I looked over at Chitoge and saw that she was still asleep. I quietly made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. 

Okay, time to get to work. Our first date as a fake couple didn't work out too well so I decided to make up for that time and fix her up a good breakfast. Of course, I cooked the usual, pancakes and a few eggs along with some orange juice. "Morning.. *yawn* darling.." I looked behind me to see Chitoge walking into the kitchen. "Morning honey." I smiled as I walked up to her and gave her a peck on the cheek. 

"I thought I smelled something good." She smiled. I chuckled at her and pulled out a chair for her to sit on. "Hey, I'm gonna take you out someplace nice after school." She looked at me as she swallowed a piece of pancake and drank some orange juice. "What's the occasion? It's not my birthday." She said. My eyes widened at her. 

Did.. did she not remember at all? Did she not remember what day it is..? 

"Uh.. do you not know what day is it today?" 

"No, not exactly. Why?"

I can't believe this.. Chitoge doesn't remember the day me and her went out as a fake couple.. I thought she'd remember.. I thought she'd actually remember.. 

My heart dropped, I don't why I feel sad about it though.. I mean.. It's not like it's our anniversary or anything but it is the day where we actually got to know each other a bit.. I guess.. 

"Nothing. Um.. I just remembered that.. the place I was gonna take you was already full.." I said sadly. "Oh, it's fine. I kinda have something to do after school." I got up from my chair to wash the dishes, Chitoge went upstairs and grabbed both our bags, she then waited for me outside the house. How could Chitoge forget..? 

We walked to school in silence, none of us spoke a word to each other. I looked at Chitoge, she looked up at me and smiled. I smiled and turned away from her, I don't know why I should feel sad.. I mean maybe.. there isn't anything really special about this day.. We both argued that day about everything that happened in the date. 

We were in class and the teacher was talking about something that I could care less about.. I had laid my head down not bothering to pay attention. Tadashi was talking to Chitoge making her laugh about something.. I clenched my fists, I wanted to go up to him and punch him for talking to her, making her laugh, taking my place.. I wanted to- "Ichijo-kun?" I picked up my head to see Onodera giving me a worried look. 

"You were clenching your fists, I assume you're mad at something?" 

"I'm fine, Onodera.."

"You sure? I'm here if anything."

Onodera was a great friend.. I looked at Chitoge who had finished laughing but continued talking to Tadashi. I was still sad at the fact she forgot about this day.. I guess I could talk to Onodera about it..

"Well.. Today is the day Chitoge and I first went out as a fake couple.. I wanted to take her out but this as a real couple.."

"O-Oh.. I-I see.."

I looked over at Onodera, "Eh? You okay, Onodera?" She flared her hands up at me, "Y-yeah! I'm f-f-fine! N-nothing wrong here!" She said. I looked at her confused for a second and shook it off, it's probably just Onodera being Onodera as usual. I laid my head back down on my desk not paying attention to the teacher the entire time. 

Lunch break 

I decided not to eat lunch today, Chitoge had called me over a few times to eat but I kept refusing. After she gave up, I roamed the empty halls still sad about today. "Did Chitoge finally dump you, Raku?" I looked up to see Tadashi. Great.. just great.. "Still sad she's mine?" I smirked. "Not for long. You'll soon see.." He said walking away. That damn bastard.. I sighed and continued walking down the halls. "Raku!" I turn around to see Shu walking up to me, "how about me and you go out tonight? Just us two pal." He said putting an arm around me. I guess I could go out tonight.. I mean, Chitoge did have something to do. "Sure, why not."

After school 

"So where are we going?" I asked him. "You'll see.." He said leading me to some dark alley, "Uh.. Shu?" I followed him through the dark alley and saw a bright light. "Sh-" Before I could say his name, someone grabbed my hand and had me sit in a chair. I realized it was a girl who grabbed my hand and had me sit in a chair. I looked around to see a bunch of different girls who were all over a bunch of guys. There were at least three girls with one guy. "Shu!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS PLACE!!?" I heard him laugh, "pretty cool, eh?" A girl tried to come on to me but I moved away, "Shu, I'm an engaged man! I'm not supposed to--" Another girl tried to come on to me but I dodged her. He sighed, "You're no fun, Raku. I'll see you later girls." 

We both left that female infested place and strolled around the streets. Cars were honking, people were chattering, Shu was talking about that girl cult and how he wanted to go back. I sighed.

"Hey, Raku, let's head to your place and hang out there."

"Chitoge's doing something there with the girls so I don't think--"

"I'm sure she won't mind. Besides, we're just gonna chill on the balcony."
"I guess.. alright."

We started making our way to my house and I noticed all the lights were off. "Eh? Did everyone leave already?" I said as I went and opened the door to my house. "SURPRISE! HAPPY NISEKOI ANNIVERSARY!" My eyes widened as I looked around the room and saw Onodera, Tsugumi, Ruri, and Marika all cheering. "Eh? What's happening?" I asked in confusion.

"You're late, Maiko." I saw Chitoge coming out of the kitchen holding a cake that said "Happy Nisekoi anniversary, Raku and Chitoge!". "Sorry, I sorta took him to this girl cult." Shu then got punched in the face and was on the floor sobbing. "What's going on?" I asked. "What? Did you really think I'd forget the day we went out as fake lovers?" She smiled.

All this time.. She knew.. Chitoge never forgot.. I was stupid to think she did..

"But this morning-"

"Of course, I knew. I just wanted to make you sad to surprise you. Everyone helped."

I looked around to see everyone smiling at us, "You guys.." I said, "I HATE ALL OF YOU, DO YOU KNOW HOW SAD I WAS TODAY!?" They all started laughing and I laughed along with them. Chitoge walked up to me and gave me a kiss, of course, I kissed back. Everyone gave us an awww and we both chuckled in embarrassment.

Raku: Thank you everyone for the reads and votes!
Chitoge: More Nisekoi to come!
Both: See you in the next chapter! Bye!

Again, I dedicate this to all of you. Thanks so much for the reads and votes :) I love you all

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