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New chapter again :3

Raku's POV

After bringing Chitoge home, I went home and got into bed. I stared up at the ceiling and sighed. I lost Chitoge.. I actually lost Chitoge to that bastard..

I heard a knock at my door and went downstairs to answer it. It was Onodera and the others checking up on me to see if I was okay. "Ichijo-kun, we came to check up on you and tell you something." They handed me a newspaper and I read through it.

A recent car accident had happened yesterday. A girl had been hit and was severely injured, she was then rushed towards the hospital for treatment.

I looked at the picture to see Chitoge. "That's.. Chitoge.." I said as I remembered seeing the bruises on her arm.

"I got into a bad accident.."

I clutched onto the paper then threw it on the table. I then got up and started walking out the door. "Where are you going?" Tsugumi asked. "To the hospital. I'm gonna ask about Chitoge." I said putting on a jacket. "We'll go to! Chitoge-chan is our friend!" Onodera said. I nodded and we started making our way towards the hospital.

At the hospital

We walked into the hospital and asked a nurse about Chitoge.

"Oh, Miss Kirisaki? She checked out of the hospital two days ago."

"We know but, could you tell us what happened with her?"

She looked through a few clipboards to find Chitoge's. Finally, she found it and showed it to us. "Miss Kirisaki had a few bruises on her arms and legs." She said. "Also a case of memory loss." My eyes widened up at her. "Memory loss?" She nodded, "It's not very common, but with an impact like that it could cause memory loss." I started to feel sad, "So she lost her memories forever..?" The nurse shook her head, "Miss Kirisaki is a young woman. She'll regain her memories but it'll take time."

I started to get happy, "is there any way to get her memories back fast?" I asked. "Well.. If you remind her of something important she might be able to remember, I'm not sure." I sighed, "I see.. Thank you." I said walking out the hospital with the others.

"We just have to remind Ojou of something really important to her. Then she'll remember everything again." Tsugumi said. "Yeah.." I sighed. Shu put an arm around my shoulder, "don't be sad, Raku. Just remind Chitoge of all the good times you had together as false lovers and real lovers." Thanks for the motivation Shu.

I went on home and lied down in bed again. I'll get you back Chitoge.. I'll get you back..

Sorry if it's short but I got lazy :( Next chapter will be long if I'm not lazy :)

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