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Ugh had a major writers block last night and I'm so frustrated as of now >___< but I did my best to write this chapter hope you guys like it c:

Raku's POV

After I was done changing into my school uniform, we both started making our way to school. On our way there we bumped into Tadashi.

Oh great.. him.. Just what I needed to start my morning..

I grabbed onto Chitoge's hand and moved closer to her. "Eh? What's wrong?" I shook my head and told her to keep walking. "You seem quieter than usual, Raku. Cat got your tongue?" He said and Chitoge laughed at his little joke. "I don't associate with people like you." Chitoge gave me that be nice glare, I sighed and dropped my head low while the two talked to each other about America.

Once we got to school Chitoge gave me a peck on the cheek and went to go check Onodera and the others leaving me with Tadashi. I sighed and began walking to my first class, "Jealous much, Raku?" I turned around to look at him. "Jealous that I can make Chitoge laugh and you can't?" He smirked. "You bastard.. I swear I'll--" "You'll what? Beat me? What would Chitoge say?" I shut my mouth and walked away trying to fight the urge to punch him right in the jaw. 

I swear I wanted to beat the crap out of him! Why does Chitoge even defend that guy!? "Darling? Is something wrong?" I turn around to see Chitoge standing before me. She took a seat on her desk and examined me. I nodded at her and laid my head down on my desk and faced away from her. "Ra--" "Okay class! I'll be rearranging your seats!"

Our teacher called out people's names and had them sit where they were told. "Chitoge Kirisaki, you're sitting next to Tadashi Nomura." No.. no.. this can't he happening.. No.. "Kosaki Onodera, next to Raku Ichijo please." Onodera and Chitoge both got up and went to their assigned seats, I looked over at Chitoge who was talking to Tadashi and laughing.



"Are you worried about Chitoge-chan?"


Onodera looked over at Chitoge and Tadashi who were talking about how school was different here from America.  She then looked back at me and gave a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Chitoge-chan wouldn't fall for someone like him. She has you!"

"Thanks, Onodera."

I smiled and thought about what Onodera said. That's right.. she'd never fall for him. She has me. I have her. There's nothing to worry about..

After school..

Chitoge and I began our walk home, on the way we stopped by a store to buy some ramen for dinner. "First day of school wasn't so bad." She smiled. "Yeah, I guess you could say that." I kept walking and noticed she wasn't beside me, I turned around to see her giving me one of her worried looks. "What's wrong?" I asked. "That's what I should be asking you.." I raised my eyes brows at her, "eh? I'm fine. Don't worry." I said walking up to her and grabbing her hand.

She looked up at me and I gave her a reassuring smile, "Come on, let's go home. I'll cook you you're favorite ramen." She smiled at me and we started making our way home.

Lame chapter mehhh promise it gets better okay :)

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