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Had to rewrite chapter 10 due to my damn phone being a dick :( So this might or might not be a short chapter. Enjoy :3

Raku's POV

Chitoge didn't go home yesterday after school and I was worried. Both our dads haven't seen her, she didn't sleep over at Onodera's or Ruri's. Even Shu hasn't seen her.

I walked to school alone and worried, hoping to see Chitoge at school. Please Chitoge.. Please.. I then heard someone walking in front of me and looked up to see Chitoge walking to class. I smiled, "Chitoge!" I shouted running up to her. She looked at me and punched me in the face. "Get away from me! I don't like you!" She shouted. "What? Chitoge why-" "Get away from me, Tadashi! I hate you!!"

Tadashi? Why would she think I'm that low life bastard? Chitoge.. what happened to you!?

"Chitoge it's me! Your fiancé, Raku?"

"Ha! Yeah right!"

I stopped to look at her, she had an angry expression on her face not to mention slight bruises; on her arms and legs as well. "Chitoge.. what happened to you? Why are you all bruised?" She scoffed at me, "like you care?" Before I could say something, Tadashi came and stood beside her. "Bastard.." I said. "How dare you call my fiancé a bastard!?" She shouted. "It's fine, babe." He smiled at her. "Babe? You hate being called that!" She glared at me, "I'll meet you inside class." She said giving Tadashi a peck on the cheek and going into class.

"What the hell did you do to her?"

"Nothing really."

"You bastard.. You did something!"

"Mad that Chitoge's mine now? I told you she'd be mine."

He smirked and went into class. I punched the wall a few times startling my classmates and a few other students who were still walking in the halls. I walked into class and laid my head down.


I looked up to see Onodera looking at me worriedly. "Are you okay?" I looked over at Tadashi and glared at him making Chitoge laugh. "I'll tell you later, Onodera." I said laying my head back down on the table.

Lunch Break

"I see.. so that's what happened.." Onodera said. "It's weird for Ojou to be acting like that all of a sudden.." Tsugumi said. Marika placed a hand on my shoulder, "Raku-sama, it'll be okay. Now we can be together!" She said gleefully. "TACHIBANA!" They shouted. I got up from my seat and walked out of the classroom not wanting to talk to anyone right now..

Skipping to after school cus I'm awesome

The whole day went by pretty fast. I haven't spoken a word to anyone and I was walking home alone. It started raining so I brought out an umbrella (which I always keep in my bag of course) and started heading home. I saw Chitoge walking with her bag over her head and walked towards her.


She looked back and glared at me. I put my hands up in the air and backed up a little.

"I'm not trying to hurt you or anything. I would never do that to you."

"Sure. Sure."

"It's true! I would never do anything to hurt you Chitoge."

She looked at me for awhile, "I shouldn't trust you.. but.." She looked away from me, "deep down something's telling me I should." I smiled, "I see."

"I gotta go." She said walking away, I put my umbrella in front of her. "What-" "I'll walk you home." She wasn't sure at first but agreed and we started walking together.

"Looks like the rain isn't stopping anytime soon. we better find shelter for now and wait for it to calm down." I said. She nodded and we walked towards a small shelter where tried our best to dry off our uniforms.

"Do you really not remember who I really am?" She looked up at me and shook her head. "I really don't remember anything." I looked down, "I see.. Can I ask what happened to you?" She shook her head again, "I really don't remember. My fiancé said I got into a bad accident and that's all.." A bad accident? What does she mean by that? "What do you me--" Thunder roared and she had started clinging onto my shirt tightly.

Chitoge's POV

Why do I.. feel so safe around him? Why do I feel like this happened before..?

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