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I walked into the kitchen."Granny?," I asked. She looked up from her vegtables, power radiating off her body. " Yes dear?" I opened and closed my mouth, searching for the correct words.

"Darling, spit in out or help me shuck this corn!"

I picked up an ear and pulled a bit of the husk off. " I broke rule two," I blurted. " I changed myself, because I wanted to be prettier, and popular, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean for my closet to turn into the Galleria!" I finished and put the corn down, so I could cover my eyes with my clammy hands, waiting for my punishment. Silence. I could hear cars honking, and my mother laughing at one of my dad's cheesy jokes, but not my granny yelling at me. I looked up, and she was laughing! 

"Sweetie, those rules are to help the teen magic learn how to be human, and to learn how to get things without snapping their fingers." I stared not comprehending."I was going to tell you last night, but you ran off so fast!" 

My mom walked in. She saw the look on my face an burst in to giggles."You told her?," she asked between chuckles. Granny smiled. As if reading my mind, she held up a single hand and snapped. The Rise Krispies crackle came and went, and Cindy formed out of thin air. "Arabella," Granny said. "This is my assistant." Cindy waved. "I sent her  to watch you because I had already sensed what you'd done." 

"I was supposed to encourage you to tell your gran from the start," Cindy admitted. "But I wanted it to work out differently." She and Grandma did a fist bump. 

"Will I have to send the stuff back?" I asked, relieved.

"No dear, but I will help you get your regular closet back."

I looked from Granny, to Mom, to Cindy. Confessing had gone better than I thought it would.

I Have A Shopping Mall in My Closet [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now