Why I Commited The Crime

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  • Dedicated to my fans

People say high school is the worst four years of your life. Listen to them. They're telling the truth. I, Arabella, am just a regular student, geek scum at the bottom of the trough, but I'm not. Magic flutters inside me, but I have rules to follow. I would have done this a long time ago, but I didn't.


My heart stuttered as Eli hurried by. Oh cute boy! His beautiful dark brown hair, and chocolate eyes, had me hooked ever since I first laid eyes on him. He was a tall, broad shouldered, athletic, and a very sweet guy. I know it sounds cliche but hey! This is my fairytale! -He turned around and headed for my locker. Brushing my hair from my eyes I smile, and he asks me for my number- The sharp bell brought me out of my fantasy. So did Genevieve, shoving me into a row of lockers. I hated her. Her perfect wheat colored hair, cream skin (that had the right amount of freckles), with her indigo eyes that sparkled in the light. Eli always flirted with her in Algebra. It always made me disgusted when I looked at her.

Why didn't I have any of that? I thought to myself. My life is full of "I woulds", like 'i would give her a pig tail', but no. Gotta follow the rules.

1) help others

2) don't use magic for self

3) don't use magic against anyone else (only applies to those who don't harm you)

Pp-ff, you say. Just break the damn rules Arabella! But no, I can't.

I slouched off to my AP World Studies class, but perked up, only a little, because Cute Boy sat next to me. As I walked through the door, the tardy bell rang.

"Ah, Miss Wilks", my evil teacher Mr. Ross said. "Still stuck in your ways. Take a seat and I'll give you a detention." Eli's seat was empty. I slid into my seat and signed the detention slip Mr. Ross had given me. Suddenly, late like me, he burst through the door.

"Mr. Ross! Sorry. I had to-,"

"Not good enough Eli. Detention!", Mr. Ross shouted from across the room. He handed Eli a detention slip too. "Have fun with Miss Wilks."

Mr. Ross started to teach the lesson.

"You too?", Eli whispered to me as he sat down. Blue sparks shot from my fingertips. "Yeah, me too," I said in a solemn tone, but secretly I screamed inside. Yay, more time with him! In detention.

"Arabella right?", he asked. " You're in my math class, so maybe you could help me with my homework."

"Oh, okay", I replied, saddened by his real intentions, he would only copy off of me.

Just like I said. Worst. Day. Ever.


Walking home is just another hassle. I'm a native Californian, so I need to be street smart and funky, even though im not. Over the past five years I've lived in the same building, I've gotten lost on the way home seven times. My apartment is in Los Angeles. No, I cannot see Rodeo Drive from my window, but I do have a special view of a brick wall, owned by a coffee shop below.

My humble abode, is a three bed, two bath. I have no other siblings, which I think is fantastic. All my friends have siblings, and they always say that they're so annoying. That's the last thing I need, grubby hands going through my stuff. My room is a shrine to the stuff I love. My lilac walls are mosaiced with snippets from my collections of fashion magazines, and pictures of moi, posing for the camera. Stacks of magazines, like Vogue and Elle, were splayed out all over my gray carpet. Magic textbooks lined my bookcases, alongside my favorite classics. I put down my solid black Jansport backpack next to my very cluttered desk. My bed looked very attractive at the moment. I delayed my homework and decided to take a short nap.

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