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Today, the east hallway, was my runway. Everyone's backs were to their navy lockers, as they studied me, jaws to the ground. I put on a dazzling smile, and continued on to my first class, AP English. Genevieve stopped in the middle of her famous strut, and stared, trying to figure out who I was. I looked great. For my first day, I wore my darkest jeans, and a bold floral tank. I waved and continued on, my yellow suede heels clicking on the linoleum.

I'm not going to release how many compliments I've received, but I will say, every ten, I broke two hearts. It worked! When AP World Studies, rolled around, I got there just a little late so Eli could watch me walk in. As I walked over the threshold, all the guys fell out of their seats, lovestruck. Eli, on the other hand, acted as if nothing was new when I sat down. "Hey," he said, reciting his favorite salutation. Crimson sparks shot from underneath my manicured nails, and I knew that if I didn't control my temper, I'd burn my fingers. I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

"Hey," I said in a sweet, cheery voice.

"So," he hesitated. "I think we should pass notes again sometime." He sounded unsure, and I could see the words that were on his mind right then. "Stupid! Stupid! STUPID!," he shouted in his head.

I replied, "Maybe, we should talk over popcorn."

He took a while to figure out what I had just said. "Oh yeah, sure um, Friday?" he asked awkwardly. "Friday," I confirmed. He averted his cocoa eyes and smiled. Just as I was about to sigh happily, I wondered if he had noticed.


In the passing period before PE, I headed to the bathroom to check my makeup. I leaned toward the mirror, over the sink, and stared into my face. Not. A. Flaw. A toilet flushed and I jumped quickly from the glass. Genevieve walked out of the stall. Her pretty green eyes were no match for my goddess-like features, even though she looked like one herself. She glanced in my direction, paused, and continued on to wash her hands, with extra soap. I felt that I couldn't go any where unless she said something. As she dried her hands she spoke.

"I thought you were a loser, but you look cool now," she paused, "How about you eat lunch with my me and my friends tomorrow?" Lunch? With Genevieve? To my own horror, I replied, " Yeah sure! I'll meet you by the cafe doors."

"Yep! That's just what I was thinking!", she exclaimed. "See ya!", she called as she exited the ladies' room. Her curls bounced up and down as her red heels tapped against the linoleum. I stood there frozen. I hated her! Why did I say yes?

I Have A Shopping Mall in My Closet [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now