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 The car stopped. We had been driving for at least thirty minutes, or so, and i had lost all my degrees of direction. This bandanna was killing me. I could not tell if we were on the highway, or a city road. He left me in the car alone for a few seconds, to come open my door. I snapped my fingers, and whispered:

"Air as it may, do as i say; tell me where I am."

     I felt a string of cool air travel into my ear. "The pier. The pier," it whispered. Eli opened the door. "Are you ready," he asked. "Yeah!" I said. "Tell me where I am!" 

Now I was out of the car, I could hear the games, the laughter, the screams from the roller coasters, and the ocean waves, lapping against the rocks. I could smell the funnel cakes, the honey dipped corndogs, and the sugary sweet cotton candy. You cant surprise Arabella the magical!

Eli helped me out of the car. I teetered on my heels, my feet unsure about the gravel below. "Whoa!," Eli said, steadying me. He took my blind fold off. " Lets go buy some flip flops." I didnt protest, because these heels were like stilts. Eli walked, and I tiptoed down the boardwalk, towards the souvenir shop. As we were browsing our choices (leopard or peacok?), he asked, "Why did you wear those torture traps?" I didnt know what to say, so I said something brilliant. " I dont know." 

"You look hot," he said. " but I want you to relax." I translated: be yourself. Okay. I took out my wad of cash, grabbed a few items, and went to the register to pay. "What are you doing?," he asked, puzzled. I smiled. " Im being myself." I took my bag, and walked as fast as I could to the unisex bathroom in my heels, with Eli trailing behind. I locked the door tight, and began to work...

Minutes later, he was still knocking, almost frantically, on the door. "Arabella? Come out! Im sorry!" I dont know what he was sorry for, but I stepped out. He gasped. I was dressed in Santa Monica Pier attire from head to toe. I had also scrubbed off all my makeup, and put my hair in a messy bun. I twirled once, and waited for his review. I didnt get one. He just kissed me. When our lips parted, I finally realized why he didnt notice. He didnt care. I guess to him, I looked like a million bucks every day. I took his hand. "Come on," I said. "Iets go play Whack-a- Mole." 

When i lost, he pulverized the game, and won me a lavendar elephant, as big as a dog. We had a dinner of cotton candy, corndogs, and soda. Our dialouge was filled to the brim with laughter. We stayed until the stars came out to play, and the moon shown bright. The ride home was silent. We didnt need to talk. We were enjoying each others company.

About ten, we arrived in front of my apartment building. We walked slowly up the stairs, instead of the elevator. When we got to my door, he pulled me into an embrace. My door opened, and he let go. "Bye," he said. I watched him go, with my mouth open in shock. I turned to my father, ready to scold him, who, of course, did that on purpose. It wasnt him. It was my Granny Adalyn.

I Have A Shopping Mall in My Closet [EDITING]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें