Chapter 23-If The Cookie Crumbles

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Mia! Look!" Lily spoke happily. Lily held up the RedMoon necklace that was hanging from her neck. She was officially one of us.

"Congratulations Lily! I'm so glad you're finally here. I feel really bad that I can't be with you today so I'm going to make it up to you. Once I get back from Alpha Brady's pack, we are heading into town. Call it a girls night out." I laughed.

"Won't they know who we are, you know, werewolves?" Lily asked.

"The humans won't know as long as we don't use our reflexes or speed and then we will mask our smell so the werewolves in town will think we are human. Trust me, I have it all figured out. I have to go, but see you soon."

I continued on my way to the hospital. Hopefully, Lucas is awake and better. He seemed so lost and confused when I was there earlier.

Lucas' room seemed a lot more lively when I returned. Lucas was fully conscious reading a book when I entered. He seemed as though the drug passed through his system.

"How are you feeling?" I said cheerfully while pulling a chair over next to his bed.

"Better. different."

"I thought it was best to start over. And I mean what's starting over without a new hairdo." I grinned.

"You look beautiful," He said while lifting up my hand and planting a small kiss on it.

"I came to talk to you. Not about yesterday, but about our plan to win this battle."

I pulled out the map with the bright red circles out and placed it on his lap.

"Why are there only five packs circled?"

"Lily came with information. Remember? Anyways, these are the five packs who have not stated the side they're on or if they will be remaining neutral. Tyler is going to these packs tomorrow while I go to Alpha Brady's pack tomorrow. Lucas, I'm afraid this war is a lot bolder than we had anticipated. Jackson is bring ten thousand wolves along with guns that house silver bullets. We need all the support and training we can get. One more thing, Jackson has been going into town twice a week. Lily isn't sure why, but we need to figure out why."

"Alpha Brady?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"Let's just say that Brady and I won't be sending Christmas cards anytime soon."

"Trust me. I'll win them over."

"Just be careful. His mate, Lexa, can be very ferocious. She's very protective of her people. I don't want you to be seen as the enemy."

"I'll be fine. I promise."

I planted a kiss on Lucas' forehead before exiting his room. I really didn't want to talk about us.

"Mia? I think we need to talk about us."

"What about us?" I stuttered.

Of course, I knew what he wanted to talk about except I didn't want to say anything. I just wanted to leave it at rest and continue our lives.

"Why did you come back?"

"For our people. They need a luna that is more decent than Olivia."

"I mean, why did you come back to be with me?"

"Lucas, I'm insanely in love with you despite everything that goes on in our lives. I do think you have a good heart somewhere. I intend to help you find that. You're a good man Lucas. Always remember that." I smiled before walking out not giving him a chance to speak.

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