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"Alright, Natasha and Banner take out who you can and who's in the way. Tony try to get inside and break the barrier. Clint and Reid you two make sure no one gets away and Thor and I will take out the big guns then make our way inside." Steve ordered.

I nodded and grabbed my gun. I had it out in one hand and we ran through the snow covered forest trying to make sure no one got out through the back exits.

I heard a twig break behind me and I turned around very quickly. I shot the man dressed in Hydra gear and took out more along the way.

I heard a grunt and turned around to see Clint on the ground, a second later I was to. There was a blue aroma like substance in the air then a boy about my age appeared.

"You didn't see that coming?" He said with his accent. He starred at me for a few seconds then ran off. He had blue eyes and silver hair with brown roots. He was hot I had to admit that and was extremely fast.

I stood up and helped Clint then spoke in my earpiece, "There's a man here, he's extremely fast. Watch out" I sad then walked over to where Clint was, behind a tree. I saw the flash again and so did Clint.

He stepped out to shoot him but was shot down.

I ran over to him and knelt by his side.

The bunker began shooting at me and I was getting mad. "Clients been shot, pretty bad. I'm bring him back to base." I said and a shot went right by my head.

I saw the Hulk close by. "Take out that bunker" I said and he smashed through it" "Thanks" I mumbled and got him over my shoulder. Clint was putting most of his weight on me.

I began walking back to base when I saw the flash again. He was close again. I looked down and I was covered in Clint's blood, this wasn't good.

I set him down and took off my belt. I tied it around him to apply pressure and began walking back when I was on my back again laying in the snow.

"You've got to be kidding me" I said and stood up. I grabbed the gun from around my ankle and shot at him.

He stopped in front of me. And came at me. I put up a hand to stop his blow then I hit him in the stomach. He stumbled backwards and I held him down. I was sitting on his stomach with my hands wrapped around his wrists.

"What's your name?" I asked. "Pietro Maximoff" he smirked. He looked behind me and I saw a girl in the corner of my eyes.

I used a leg and kicked her back. Pietro pushed me off of him and I was I the cold snow again. He ran off with the girl and I quickly grabbed Clint.

I put him over my shoulder again and saw Thor, he walked over to me and took him. He flew him over to the jet and I was alone in the woods.

I saw more men coming towards me, more than I could handle really about 12, and Clint had my belt which had all my tools. They had guns so I raised my hands. They came over and I hit my head off of one then used him as a shield. I grabbed his gun and shot 6 men down.

7 were down 5 to go.

I let go of him and shot two more. The others didn't have guns so I jumped on one and grabbed onto another. My legs were around their necks so I rolled off them sending them to the ground.

3 more.

They ran at me and I was pinned to the ground and they were kicking me. I tried to get up but it was to much.

I closed my eyes and the next time I opened my eyes I was in front of the jet.

I looked back and saw Pietro far away standing behind a tree.

I smiled at him and walked inside.

"Are you alright?" Steve asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I said and looked back at him.

The gate started closing and soon I couldn't see Pietro because we were in the air now.

Quicksilver An Enemy? (Pietro Maximoff)Where stories live. Discover now