"Let's go and have you two prepared to go."

Miss Martin came with us until the first checkpoint. She told us to be very careful out there, to have fun and to be just the way we usually are. She hugged us both-torture for Isaac, I bet-and than she waved goodbye as we disappeared from her visual range.

"Hmmm, Phoebs...? We are now on our very own."


The passengers of the flight 251 destination New York are asked to present theirselves at gate number 4.

"Isaac, wake up!" I shook Isaac strongly. He told me he will have a nap until the plane comes because he was really tired.


"We have to go at gate 4!"

"Oh hell yeah!"

When we got on the plane and made sure that we were on the right one, we were pretty bored of waiting and doing nothing. Obviously, the first thing we did was check out how many facilities our seats had. There were little tvs on the backs of the seats in front of us and we also had about four plugs and all sorts of places under and above the chair where we could put our stuff. Isaac was jubilating. He had a lot of space to move and he was a bit refreshed after the sleep.
After about 10 minutes, we took off. I have always been scared of taking off so Isaac held my hand tightly. I had the window seat and I tried badly not to look down.

"Phoebs, we're flying." Isaac gave me a small bump, making me open my eyes.

"Now. Let's do that movie marathon we planned." I say, taking out my laptop from my bag.

Isaac and I decided upon downloading a few movies on our laptops and watching them on the plane.

"I downloaded some older movies like V for Vendetta, Lady in Black-with Daniel Redcliffe love of my life, Pretty Woman-although we have already seen it, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, both parts."I inform him, scrolling through the list of recent downloads.

"How's V for Vendetta?"

"I dunno. Haven't seen it."

"I know the others. I have downloaded tons of movies, mainly more recent ones, that I wanted to see but haven't. So, I got Pompeii, Guardians of the Galaxy, Rise of the Guardians, Big Hero 6, Love, Rosie(the main characters are played by Lily Collins and Sam Claflin I've heard), I also got Ella, Sex Tape, The Millers, American Hustle..."

We put our headphones on and connected them to a little device that made it possible for us to use one pair of headphones each and still listen to the same thing.


"My back hurts like hell, fuck this shit..." Isaac says, waking up.

"You kept snorring for the past 4 hours!"


"Come on, pack your things. We're landing in half an hour."


"Hello, nice to meet you, children!"

Miss Tushman was waiting for us at the airport, a paper that read "Phoebe Phillis, Isaac Martin" held in her hands. She was very nice. She was blondie and I thought she'd be older. The name 'Tushman' inspires something old to me. In fact, she was about 30. And she had... Curves. Isaac checked her up immediately, I saw it.

"Hello, you must be Miss Tushman. Nice to meet you!" Isaac kissed her hand very politely, but I almost bursted into laughter. You ridiculous son of a stepfather.

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