Chapter 8

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We flew first class to Sicily two days later. It was just Emanuele and me because travelling with his bunch of bodyguards or soldiers as he called them would seem suspicious. People knew and suspected who Emanuele Bertolino was. Even the police know about him being the mafia don's second in command but they can't do anything because they have no proof. Emanuele wanted to keep it that way.

Ben doesn't know I accepted Emanuele's invitation for travelling to "where he comes from" as he puts it. If he knew, he would have definitely tried to talk me out of it. I knew how precarious or life threatening this trip could be, but I was curious. I wanted to know who or what Emanuele was as a person and not as the underboss of an organized crime family.

We landed in Sicily after an eleven hour long flight on which I had mostly slept so as we exited the airport, I was mostly refreshed. The strong cool breeze of Catania hit me and I took a deep breath. The sky was partly cloudy and the air was much cooler as compared to Tampa. Outside the airport two luxury cars were parked with men in suits standing beside them. That must be our ride, I thought. And sure enough, Emanuele pulled me towards those cars. He had told me how their crime family was still allies with the Sicilian mafia so it didn't come as a surprise to me that he was already given their protection and security as soon as we landed. They didn't extend their greetings towards me but I could see the curiosity in their eyes about me.

He didn't take me straight to the place where we were supposed to stay, as I had expected. Instead he took me to explore the city. He said I looked fresh enough to at least visit some of the landscape. Emanuele looked at ease. He wasn't on as much guard as he usually was, maybe because he was feeling a sense of belonging or feeling nostalgic. After touring and discovering the flamboyant and richly ornamented Sicilian Baroque that originated in the 17th century, with it phenomenal architecture, fascinating statues, the bell in the façade itself and the grotesque masks, we visited the elephant fountain, the symbol of the city and the Benedictine monastery.

At the end I could only say that Catania was a beautiful historical city.

After eating a light lunch in one of the cafes, we didn't make another stop and were taken directly to a magnificent 19th century villa with a huge garden and fountains adorning the path of entrance. I frowned as the car stopped and one of the men opened the back door for us. Emanuele began talking to them in Italian while I observed the surroundings. The men got back in the cars and drove off.

I looked at Emanuele puzzled.

"They were only ordered to drop us off!" he informed and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the entrance. "My men took a flight after us so they will be here before sunrise tomorrow, until then you are stuck here with me alone." He smirked.

The prospect or the idea would have scared me shitless until a few days ago, but now unknowingly and unwelcomingly I was finding myself to be safe and comfortable with Emanuele. Somehow he was breaking the walls I had erected around my heart against him, much to my resistance and it was making me fear the indefinite future we had.

"Do you know the Sicilian mafia's boss personally?"

"No, but Raimondo does."


He looked at me and smiled. "My Boss."

I stilled and gulped. Of course how can I forget that name? I have read that name million of times in other newspapers, tabloids and even on television and was part of my research work several times in the past. He was a notorious boss alright! Suspected of having murdered at least thirty people, drug trafficking and corruption but no charges were made because the police had no evidence. People considered him to be a very intelligent and clever man.

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