Chapter 4: Romance Isn't So Bad

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"Wow, I can see Jana's being a very caring wife Di" a familiar voice says behind Dianna who spins quickly to see her friend Naya smiling brightly at her.

"Oh my god. Look at you" Dianna walks to Naya and pulls the woman into a hug. "How have you been?" she asks after they pull away.

"Well....I'm doing pretty awesome. Heather's doing a great job" Naya tells her as they walk further into the set.

"I can see that. What made you come here?" the writer asks, she haven't seen Naya for quite a while due to their busy schedules and she can see something was different in her friend's aura.

"I actually have some news for you" Naya says getting Dianna's interest up a notch.

Jana's jaw drops to the floor after hearing Heather's news.

"Wow" is all she could say making her friend laugh, it was a rarity for Jana to be speechless.

"Is that all you can say?" Heather taunts and sees Jana getting over her shock.

"I wasn't finish" there's the Jana I know, Heather thinks to herself. "That's amazing Hemo. Congratulations" Jana finishes, she was genuinely happy for her friends.

"Thanks. I was hoping you and Dianna would be godmothers" Heather smiles not that Jana would ever decline such offer.

"Are you kidding me? Of course!" Jana answers enthusiastically as Heather pulls her into a hug.

"Thank you!" the dancer says. "How about you and Di? Aren't you planning on having any kids soon? I mean you guys did get married ahead of us" Heather states.

"Of course we're planning on having one" Jana says and Heather senses the hesitation in her friend's voice.

"I can hear a but" the blonde points out. "What is it?" she puts a comforting hand on Jana's lap. Jana shurgs not really knowing what she would say.

"But I don't know if I can become a good mom. I mean..."she trails off.

"Hey" Heather nudges. "I'm scared too J. I mean, I have no idea how to raise a child. None of us do but when I think about it, my fears just vanishes" she smiles at her friend who smiles back at her.

"I know. I don't know Heather. I'm just scared I guess" Jana says honestly.

"Don't worry. That all happens to us" Heather winks at Jana who rolls her eyes at her. "So, I know today's your anniversary. What's your plan?" Jana's thankful for the change of subject.

"Oh you know. Romantic dinner, serenade my wife, a roll in the sack" Jana says making Heather laugh at her.

"You know, Dianna's bringing out the romantic side of you"

"Yeah she is" Jana agrees chuckling lightly. Heather stands up from the couch making Jana look up at her.

"I better go pick Naya up. She went to visit your lady" the dancer states as Jana stands up as well thankful they were the same height.

"We should have dinner some time in the future" Jana says walking her friend to the door.

"We're just a call away" and with that the two friends say their goodbyes.

Dianna hugs Naya while Heather smiles at the door of the studio.

"I'll see you around Nay" Dianna states before moving to hug Heather. "Congrats" she whispers into the taller blonde's ear who thanks her.

"We should get going. We have a date to accomplish" Naya winks at her chuckling best friend.

"You two go" Dianna ushers them out the door before saying goodbye again to her two friends watching their car drive down the road before she pulls out her phone and calls Jana.

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