Chapter 19: Vitals

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Dipper floated up to the cockpit, He got back to his station and made preparations for their final burn to the moon. Ford put a hand on Dippers' shoulder.
"I'm sorry Dipper, I know that she meant something to you and..."
"Well her dying wish was for us to finish this mission no matter what and I..."
"Hang on, guys you might wanna take a look at this." Mabel said pointing at a screen.
"What is it?" Dipper asked.
"Well apparently the suits record all show our vitals and they're wired into the computer." Mabel explained.
"Wait who's are these?" Ford asked pointing to a fourth set of functioning vitals.
"That's the odd part, it says it's from Pacificas suit."
Everyone froze.
What!.. how is she..." Dipper said, shocked. "
"Uh, her vitals are borderline stable, she must've somehow gotten her helmet on before the effects of space settled in." Mabel concluded.
"Well we gotta get her back!" Dipper said.
"She's unconscious," Mabel sighed.
The proximity alert rang.
"What's that!" Mabel was spooked by the loud alarm.
Dipper floated over to his chair.
"We've got incoming." Dipper yelled.
"Asteroid, where?" Ford asked.
"Not towards us, it's in Pacificas direction." Dipper panicked.
Everyone gasped.
"Whoa What!" Mabel yelled.
"Uh Mabel, patch me into Pacifica."
"What good will that do? She's uncons..." Mabel asked impatiently.
Mabel did as instructed.
"Pacifica, this is Dipper, respond."
Mabel looked back on her screen.
"Theres no change." Mable expected. "
"Pacifica I need you to wake up!" Dipper said.
"Dipper, 70 feet, 60,.." Ford continued.
"Pacifica, PACIFICA!" Dipper shouted.
Pacifica gently rolled up open eye lids. She was expecting to see the foot of her bed.
What where am I, wait. She heard Dipper's voice and started to remember.
"What Dipper, where.."
"Pacifica, I need you to move, now!"
"But, I..." Pacifica noticed the asteroid coming right at her! She used her boosters to push herself away. The asteroid barely scraped the back of her suit.
"I'm still here!" Said Pacifica with a grin.
"Yes! Thank goodness you..." Dipper was interrupted by Pacifica, coughing.
"I... I can't... can't breethe!" She choked out.
"Uh, uh, her oxygen tank breached!" Mabel spat out. "She's losing air, sell suffocate!"
"Pacifica!" Is all that came out of Dippers mouth.
"F-finish ittt without meh." Pacifica replied.
The comm. went silent and filled with static.

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