Chapter 5- Dreams and Tattoos.

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I was trapped. Trapped in a dream, and I had nowhere to run. I could hear voices shouting and a lullaby being mumbled into my ears. My eyes were glued shut by an unknown force and all I heard was the lullaby, becoming louder and louder as time passed. I could now make out that it was a boy singing it, with a soothing voice and love laced in his perfect tune. His voice was low pitched but still sounded young, as though he hadn't hit adolescents yet. My small body was being cradled into a chest and rocked back and forth slowly, hot breath fanning over my sleeping face.

"Sleep and remember my lullaby, and I'll be with you when you dream." He held the last note for a long time until I felt a feather light kiss being planted on my forehead. His lips were soft and I could feel a small amount of hair on his chin, so he wasn't as young as I'd thought.

A bang made my eyes crack open a fraction as I could now see the boys arms cradling me to his chest, as though I were a baby. I looked up down at my clothing and saw that I was in a small pink baby-grow, with a tiny pink ribbon on my short brown hair. Wait, I was a baby. This has got to be the weirdest dream ever.

"I thought I told you not to come in here mutt." The little boy spoke. He had midnight black hair with some dark brown nestling itself onto the ends, making it seem as though it were dyed, but the brown streaks at his roots proved that was just his natural hair. He was tall for his age as he looked to be about nine or ten, but his height was that of a sixteen year old, at least it looked to be in my infant form anyway.
I looked over to where the boy was glaring and saw another boy, around 8 with brown hair and brown eyes to match, he was a tad smaller than the other boy and stood at the wooden door of what looked to be an office that we were all in. I oddly remembered this office, with its big wooden desk and red walls, I saw the pens residing on the desk and the gold one caught my attention, I remember something about it but couldn't quite place my finger on it.

The boy at the door swallowed hard and looked to the older boy holding me in his arms, he looked scared but brave, he was trying to put on a brave face when inside he was terrified, the poor guy looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I giggled at the redding of his cheeks and both boys eyes snapped to my small, and most likely chubby, face.

The one who's arms I was nestled into smile at me and connected my forehead with his, blowing air down my back as though to cool me down and it instantly calmed me. I now noticed the colour of his eyes, they were big and blue, shining so brightly as though he was the happiest guy in the world. I wish I could be like that someday.

"I just wanted to see her." The other boy whispered, smiling at me and walking ever so closer. The blue eyed boy growled and shielded me from his view, burying my head into his neck and repositioning me so I was looking behind his body instead of towards the door where I could see the boy.

"She's mine kid, back off." The boy scoffed and closed the door, I heard his footsteps walking all the way into the room, until he was so close I could hear him breath. The closeness of these two males made me feel happy and I couldn't help but laugh some more, grinning from ear to ear while staring at the ground.

Blue eyed boy picked me up and held me out from his body, smiling at my grin and pulling a tongue at me. For some reason this made me happy and my baby self started laughing some more, causing the ribbon in my hair to fall to the ground.

The boy who was not holding me brushed my small amount of hair and kissed my forehead, trying to see my face but the other boy wouldn't let him.

"Please, just let me hold her? I promise I won't tell Alpha Landon and Luna Talia that you've been with her for so long." Blue eyed boy snarled at the other boy. Pulling me back into him and cradling me once again. This was all a repeat of something, I remember this happening. Even if I was a baby, this had happened and I knew it. It wasn't just a dream.

Their little LunaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora