4. Let's Do It

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            Silas and I have been texting for the past three days, the same day he left we exchanged phone numbers and we've been texting everyday and talking on the phone every night and every morning. While he was away I managed to set up a payment plan for the loans that I have so the school could get back the money that they wanted. I was still looking for a job and that was making me depressed.

            As of right now I had $300 in my account and that was all from savings. I didn't know where I was going to get the money from for next months rent. I think I was going to have to look for a new place to live. My roommate was still working at Martini 491 and I pulled from my savings to pay for last months rent. I have to find a job and soon so that I can pay for this months rent even though it just started.

            I was lying around looking on the internet for a job when my phone rang.

            "Hello?" I asked rolling around on the bed.

            "I've missed that voice," Silas said in that deep baritone voice.

            "We just talked this morning," I said rolling my eyes.

            "That means nothing, I still miss your voice," Silas said making me smile as I rolled around on the bed.

            "So how's the whole expansion thing?" I asked changing the subject.

            "Pretty good we got all packs, we even have a couple of wolves moving back down with us...." Silas said before he stopped mid sentence.

            "Silas?" I called making sure they didn't cut my phone off.

            "I know that you just lost your job, which was basically my fault, and I don't know if you'll be able to find a job anytime soon, but I was wondering, since some of the wolves are coming back down to Shreveport with us...." he started and I waited trying to see where he was going with this. Was he trying to invite me to move down to Shreveport with him.

            "Silas...are you asking me to move down south with you?" I asked sitting up in the bed. This was going a little quicker than I had anticipated. 

            "To be honest with you Nevaeh, yes. I know it's moving a little quickly, but I want you to be with me and there is already a guaranteed job for you in the pack down in Shreveport. I'll even pay for your part of the rent and help you move down there. I'll do whatever it takes to get you down there with me," he pleaded. I stopped to think about what he said, if he paid the rent for my roommate and helped me move down south, she could find a roommate in time and I would have a job and be able to pay him back and eventually save up enough money to move out of the pack house. This was looking promising but at the same time I didn't want to mislead him. As much as I wanted to go and be all gung ho with the idea, I was still reserved about the idea of having so close interactions with Silas.

            "How about this," Silas started after I didn't reply to his proposal. I'll come back to Jersey and you can travel with me back down to Shreveport and you can stay there a few days see what the living experience will be like and the work experience. If you like it then we'll come back up and get your things so you can move down south with me. If you don't like it then, I'll move up to Jersey and we can work from there."

            "Woah" that was literally the only response I had to his proposal. I mean literally, he had it all planned out and I didn't have to do a thing or think of anything. I just had to say yes basically, and he was willing to make all these moves for my sake. 

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