Mulai dari awal

"But he would know the difference," he said back.

"Not if your busy," I say looking up again, "He trusts you too much. I can see that from any angle. He puts so much trust in you, you always say the truth and he always believes you. You can't lie."

He sighed, "I hate being used." I kiss his cheek and he smiles slightly, "That's what kings like him are for." He laughed.

The next night we decided to tell everyone to meet at Athena's secret place, where when I was a half breed they went to talk things out. Even Zeus and Hera and the minor immortals didn't know about it. But I know now.

"What do you mean 'Father switched sides' that's impossible," Artemis said, "He hates them, both of them."

"Its true. I am the god of truth and from what I've seen, I can sense it was true" Apollo counters. There were no more arguments from Artemis.

"It does make sense logically," Athena says, "Dad all week has been hounding me for any new information and I always report with they're not doing anything or no progress. I figured he was hiding something."

"Even with this new information he doesn't really help our case that much," Artemis speaks up when nobody has the urge to do it, "It just seems to me that bad things keep happening one after another. I say it's a sign."

"that's a good point, we've got nothing and-"

"We do have something," I interrupt Athena, who looks startled.

"Sorry but I know that we have a location," I say continuing looking at each of them. The group look to me for an explanation.

"It makes sense you see a police station has a number of 911 as a help number. Lower Manhattan, was where a tragic event happened fourteen close to fifteen years ago. The September 11 2001 attack. You see they're both the same thing, the numbers. Remember Aphrodite told us that it was three number code that she used and then later they moved locations, thinking we wouldn't understand. But don't you see its right in front of us in human history," I explain slowly allowing them to let it all sink in.

Understanding crossed their faces as they smiled happily.

"Who knew a major fact in human history would help us findthe greatest evils known to us," Athena remarked and we laughed.

"That's brilliant," commented Apollo behind me. I turned to face him a smile on my lips, "I know," I say cheekily. He chuckles and takes my hand. His blue eyes stare into mine and then I feel like we were in a bubble. I couldn't hear nothing but silence. They're was two until another person joined in, make that another two people.

"Guys, please if you might keep your affection outside the room," teased Athena. I blushed pink.

"Yes, please. And Kate," I looked up to see a smirking Artemis , "You have my blessing, wanted to tell you before in HQ." I stuck my tongue out, blushing red and they laughed lightly. Apollo hugged me close, and I buried my face into his shoulder.

"So know we know the code and such, how does that lead us to a location," asks Athena, her eyes showing she had a theory.

"We input the code and it should transport us to the new location, they're are actually a few possibilities. All the places the planes on 9/11 attacked that day, but if my theory is right it's the Freedom Tower, where the old World Trade Center was," I say.

"Why there?"Athena asks.

"Its one of the largest buildings, and it's a lot like Hera to go to a known building. She likes things majestic," I say shrugging.

"And filled with feathers," Artemis added coldly.

"Alright since we have this, it's definitely hope in this situation. So the plan is to train at night and sleep in the day, like nothing is wrong or has changed. Nothing will raise suspicion. And when Zeus wants his reports say that things didn't change or that we were tired and desperate and are willing to give up, things like that. Keep it short simple and then get the gods out. Agreed?" Athena tells everyone. Everyone nodded.

"Also I like to add, once we are back at full force Id like to get to the new location before they have more time to take more immortals and use them. The faster we do this, the faster this can be over. And in training be sure to add a lot of back up planning ability, I don't think we want what happened to happen again," added Apollo.

"We begin now. We have," Athena looked at a clock, "a couple of hours before Zeus usually wakes up. We move now." Everybody started to filter our, and surprisingly Hades was there as well and disappeared after Athena dismissed us.

And surprisingly, after only a single meeting I'm starving. As we walk hand in hand to the kitchen, I have this feeling in my gut that I forgot something. I looked to see Apollo feels any forgetting thought but his face is relaxed for now. Apollo and I enter to the kitchen. Thankfully it's empty, meaning no Zeus standing there drinking his espresso.

I watch as Apollo takes out the ingredients and I have a sense of forgetting something. It wasn't strong but it was there, lingering. Chocolate, strawberry, sprite and vanilla is taken out. I watch him put chocolate on the strawberries and the ice cream and sprite in a cup. He placed the strawberries on a plate and jabbed two on the straws, one on each.

Then he slid the drinks to where the seats were. He pulled the plate between us and sat beside me as I took a sip. This was so good.

"So good," I moaned. He chuckled.

"I forgot something though," he stated after.

"What is it?" I say looking at him.

"Well since you are a Phoenix, you can enjoy the wonders of ambrosia," he says pulling out a small bottle from behind him. He added a maximum of five large drops in each cup. I watched as the clear color changed from clear to a strange orange sunset.

"I also forgot something else," I hear him say.

"Where?" I say, entranced by the blooming color that was spreading through the cup.

"Here it is," he exclaimed. I looked over.


His lips on mine came out of nowhere.

It tasted like ambrosia. It was sweet.


Ohhh almost to the end. So sad!

And a couple of things, this chapter, I know I know is not up to standards, but I have to confess the better version of this got deleted and I got so mad, I couldn't update for two days. It was so well written I think I cried when all my hard work just dissipated. :C

Buuut that shows karma for me not saving it to word first before writing on here. So karma sucks but I learned a lesson that will probably or not probably going to be used. :D

Anyways, also I also entered the tfcpostits contests, and really I wanted you guys to give it a go, whoever like contests and all that jazz. 

Also, I am hoping to finish Reality in a couple of weeks since I only have a chapter left then its FINISHED!! Yaya!

And now I'm done with the announcements and so you may go to another book, but remember tfcpostits contests ( Enter with pride and flaunt it like chickens on a ride. (lol)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


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