Chapter 4- A Joy Ride

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I revved up Lucille and drove to the front of the school. Signing all of us out was a no brainier. All high school members of the HA have the right to sign themselves out for club business.

"Ready, VP?" Rob yelled.

"One sec. I need to let Dad know what's going on." I pulled out my phone and sent him a quick text.

Ran into a Vulture in the hallway. Jace, Rob, and I are gonna take him for a ride.

K. Bring him to clubhouse when done

I rolled my eyes. He refused to get rid of the stupid signature even after I tried to explain that it's not cool anymore.

I nodded my head to my friends. Rob pulled out first with Jace and I behind on our bikes. We were headed to a certain backroad that was pretty deep in the woods and the only houses were old and unoccupied. It would take us about 10 minutes to get there.

I laughed as Robbie swerved to hit every bump and pothole on the road. When we came up on a hill, he would speed up as we went down rolling Max around in the back. I almost felt sorry for him, but then I remembered all the drugs that the Vultures sold and all the people that they had hurt.

We reached our destination in no time.
Rob parked his truck and leaned out.

"What's on the menu today, boss?" He asked loud enough for Max to hear over the roar of our bikes.

"Hmmm..... I think I'm feeling a swirly... What about you Jace?" I asked turning my head.

"How about we go with a swirly, a doughnut, and...... A side of stop and go?" He asked grinning. I nodded my head.

"Ready when you are." I said

Rob revved his truck and took off down the road with me and Jace close behind. He swerved all over the road causing Max to roll all over the bed of the truck. Hence the term "swirly". I saw his head at one point and he looked a little green.


We reached a empty lot off of the road and Robbie pulled out and instantly started doing doughnuts without missing a beat. After about 5 minutes of that, he pulled back out on the road of where we came. Before Max could even get a breath, Rob started the 'stop and go'. He would get up to about 50 miles an hour and then slam on his brakes. I waved at him to stop after a few times.

We all parked in the middle of the dirt road. As Rob was getting out of his truck, Jace and I opened the tailgate. The Vulture looked pretty woozy.

"Get him out and set him down." I told them. Jace and Rob pulled him out and sat him down away from the truck and bikes. I didn't want the stench of a Vulture near my Lucille. Max laid on the ground with beads of sweat dotting his forehead. I squatted down, pulled the gag out of his mouth, and wiped off his face.

"You wanna talk now?" I asked. And he nodded in response.

"I transferred from my old school to Van Horne High School on the orders of my boss."

I narrowed my eyes. "Why?"

"He wanted to expand our drug trade." I was almost seeing red. I grabbed two fistfuls of his shirt and pulled him to my eye level.

"Do you have any of that shit on you or in your locker?" I ground out.

He shook his head. "I was supposed to survey the possible threats and report back. Then they'd give me the dope to distribute."

My knuckles were white as I gripped his shirt. I could feel my anger getting the better of me. I took a few deep breathes and then spoke.
"You are not distributing jack shit into my high school and my town" I growled and leaned closer to him. We were barely inches apart. "Do you understand me, shitface?"

Max nodded rigorously. I released him and stood up. "Load him up and head back to the clubhouse. Call the Pres and let him know you're headed back." I told Jace and Rob.
"Where are you going?" Jace asked.

"I'm gonna go blow off some steam." I told him as I walked over to Lucille.

"I don't know if-" Rob started.
"I'm fine. I'll be back to the clubhouse in an hour. If I'm not, you know where to find me." I said looking towards Jace and he nodded. He knew where I went when I needed to be alone.

I swung my leg over Lucille and roared her to life. I waved and took off down the road.
It didn't take me too long to get where I was going considering I was doing about 20 over the speed limit. I parked my bike under a tree and took a deep breath. The old musty smell never gets old. I looked at the old beat up shack before me.

It belonged to my grandpa before he died. I discovered it a few years ago when I was going through some old boxes and paper work. There was a map of some old properties that belonged to my dad and the club. This place showed to be way out in the woods and I had never known any club members to live that far away from the garage and clubhouse. I drove out here with Jace soon after to check it out. Old pictures of my grandpa and dad hung on the wall and his old hunting rifle was mounted over the fireplace. I came back later and cleaned it up a bit. Sweeping, and wiping everything down got rid of the dust but it still felt like I was in the early 70's.

I bounded up the old wooden steps and went inside. I went straight for the chest by the window and lifted the lid. My grandpa's old revolver sat on top of some old quilts along with a box of amo. I grabbed both and stepped out onto the back porch.

I saw my target in the distance. I loaded the gun, aimed right at Harry Styles face and pulled the trigger. Right through his left eye.

Emma had recently redecorated her room and took down all the One Direction posters that littered her wall. She boxed them all up and gave them to me. "It's not the same without Zane" she said when she dropped the box in front of me at the garage. "Use them for target practice or something. I don't care." So I did. I took the box out to the cabin and taped up one of the posters to a tree. It's a really good stress release.

I turned on the old radio that sat in the windowsill to my favorite station and then turned back to target practice. I loaded up the British boy band up with led.

When I was done, I pulled down the poster I had destroyed and tacked up another for the next time I got pissed. I checked phone as I climbed the steps of the back porch. I had about 15 minutes to get back before Jace came looking for me. I grabbed the revolver and half empty box of amo and put them back in the chest.

I shut the door behind me and scampered to my bike. Her engine thundered to life and I peeled out down the narrow dirt path towards the main road.
Obviously speeding, I rounded the corner and coasted into the parking lot just as my dad and Jace were coming out of the clubhouse.

"I was about to go get you." Jace said.

"Well now you don't have to. I'm back." I said and gave him a small smile.

Turning to my dad, I asked
"What about the Vulture? What do we do with him?"

"We need to take it to the table and vote on it." He said and wrapped his arm around me. The three of us walked back inside.
"Table in 10 minutes!" Dad announced and went inside the meeting room.

There were a few guys playing pool, some on the couch with some girls under their arms, and a few guys drinking at the bar. I nudged Jace and we walked over to the bar. I leaned over and reached for a couple beers over the counter. "Dammit" I grumbled when I realized I was a few inches short. Jace chuckled and reached over me. He grabbed 2 and twisted the cap off of both both bottles. "Here you go, boss" he said grinning and handed me a bottle.

I grabbed the bottle and took a drink letting the the liquid soothe my parched throat. "That's why I keep you around" I said trying to fight the smile on my face, "to get me beer." He smirked, put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me towards the meeting room. "Come on, doll. We got business to handle"

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