|Nancy Shevell : Short Story One|

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McCartney started dating Shevell in November 2007.

Nancy had always thought of herself as a high class woman. Barbara Walters is her second cousin after all...

She is a member of the board of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority as well as vice president of a family-owned transportation conglomerate that includes New England Motor Freight, which is something Nancy enjoys very much.

It was announced on 6 May 2011 that the Paul and her had become engaged.

On 9 October 2011, John Lennon's birthday, Paul and Nancy were married at Old Marylebone Town Hall where his first wedding took place in 1969.

The couple attended Yom Kippur synagogue services prior to the wedding, out of respect for Shevell's Jewish faith, but did not seek a religious blessing for their union.

Upon their marriage, Shevell became Lady McCartney. McCartney wrote the song "My Valentine", from his 2012 album Kisses on the Bottom.

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