Thirty-Six: Clarke's Babies

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***Moon's P. O. V.***.

~~~Seventh Month of Pregnancy~~~

"Hey, Koala, guess what?" I say as I hang up the phone.

"Hm?" he mumbles, still half asleep.

"Clarke is having his babies right now."

"Really?" he sits up with some difficultly. "Let's go see them!"

"They're not out yet. They might not actually be born until tomorrow."

"But it's morning! Babies take that long to get out?" he asks, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Yeah, sometimes. It kinda depends."

"I wanna go see Clarke!"

"Sorry, but I don't think they want people around."

"No, Moon, you're wrong," he pouts. "Clarke told me I could watch if it made me feel better about giving birth myself."

"I don't know. . ."

"Please? Just for a little while?"

"Ugh, fine. You can go for a little while, but I'm not staying. I'll go to the office while you do that. But you can't stay for very long. Alright?"

"'Kay!" he says happily, forming his little hand into a thumbs up.

***Crescent's P. O. V.***

"Don't forget your medicine, or else you'll start to feel sick," Moon says, handing me a couple pills.

I wrinkle my nose. Taking pills is not fun. But if I don't take them, I start to puke and stuff, which is even more not fun.

I stretch out my fingers slowly. They get so stiff! I can't stretch them out all the way like a normal person, but now I can grab onto small things like cookies and spoons.

I feel a little nervous as we go to the pack birth center, but I just have to see how Clarke is doing! I hope he's okay. I can't wait to see the twins! They'll be so cute.

We ask a lady at the desk which room we should go to. I'm glad it's not very far, because walking a lot makes me super tired. I hold Moon's hand as we knock on the door before going in. Greg answers the door.

"Oh, hi, guys. Come on in. You have to be very quiet, though," he whispers as he lets us in. "Clarke is having another contraction."

I nod, looking up at Moon. He gulps nervously.

"I'm actually not staying. Are you okay if go, Koala?" he asks, crouching down to my level.

"Yep," I reply before smooching his lips.

"See you in a little bit, babe."

"See you soon."

I step into the room as he heads off. It's kinda dark, with nice smelling candles lit all around. It's a really big room, with an exercise ball, a bathtub built into the ground in the corner, and a huge bed that Clarke is laying in. It's the fluffiest bed I've ever seen, with so many pillows and comforters. Clarke opens his eyes when he hears me.

"Hi, baby boy," he says, smiling. Greg sits down beside him on the bed and takes his hand.

"Clarke! Are you okay??" I gasp, climbing onto the bed.

He chuckles, "Of course. I had a contraction just now, so it'll be at least another twenty minutes before another one happens."

"Are they really bad?" I ask worriedly.

"Not really. I feel a lot better now that you're here, though," he winks.

I giggle, covering my face so they don't see me blushing. I scoot closer to Clarke, pushing my belly out.

"Belly kiss," I say, laughing.

He sits up slightly so that our bellies touch slightly. I make a "mwah" sound.


Clarke closes his eyes suddenly, blowing air out of his nose.

"Here, feel," he says, taking my hand and pressing it to his belly.

It feels like it's turning into a rock, like, getting stiff. My eyes widen. It's so weird. . . I see Clarke's hand grip Greg's tightly. His other hand rubs his baby bump. He breathes in and out deeply.

"You're doing good, babe. I love you so much," Greg says quietly, kissing his husband's hand.

Clarke hums to himself for a second before opening his eyes again.

"It's over," he says, smiling weakly.

"Wow, Clarke. You're so brave," I say in awe.

"Thanks, Crescent, but you're the brave one. I only have two babies; you have four!"

"Hm," I sit for a second and think.

I'm not brave at all, but does having more babies make you braver? I don't know.

"Clarke, you should wear this," I say, taking off the protective necklace that the priest gave me. "You need it more than I do right now. You can give it back when the babies come out safely."

"Thank you very much. That's very nice of you to lend it to me," he replies, sitting up so that he can put the necklace on.

Suddenly, the warning bell sounds. Well, it's not a bell, I just don't know what to call it.

"Uh, oh," Greg says, reaching for his phone which is ringing like crazy.

Moon bursts into the room, "We're under attack. Come on, we have to get all of you to the safe room."

"We can't! Clarke is giving birth!" I protest.

"If you stay here, you might die. He'll have to do it there. Hopefully, medical staff or a midwife will be in the same safe room as you guys. We have to go. Now!" he commands, using his alpha voice.

We don't want to be naked when we get there, so we don't transform into our wolf forms. Greg carries Clarke, and Moon carries me.

We go deep underground, into places of the pack territory I didn't know existed.

"Go in," Moon says, shoving me into a giant metal room once we've gone down so many flights of stairs that I lose count. A lot of other wolves are already in there, looking around nervously. It's mostly women and kids.

"Aren't you coming with?" I ask, stopping him from leaving.

"No," he pulls away from me. "I have to fight. I'm the alpha. Help Clarke. I love you so much. I'll see you soon."

"Don't leave me!!" I yell. "Please, Moon!"

He doesn't listen. He doesn't even turn back as he walks away. Greg kisses Clarke as he lays him down on a mat type thing. He starts to leave as the huge metal doors start to close.

"You're leaving too??" I shout after him.

"Yes! I have to! Please make sure Clarke is alright. I'll be back hopefully before the twins are born. I love you, Crescent!"

I crumple to the ground, sobbing. They left me! And now I have to help Clarke and I don't know how! Please, come back, Moon and Greg. I can't do this.

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