Twenty-One: Making You Mine

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So if you've never seen No Money, go and watch it. It's an anime, you can watch it for free online. Only has like four episodes or something. It's yaoi/BoyxBoy. The noises Ayase makes during sex are what Crescent's sounds are like. ;)

***Moon's P. O. V.***

"S-so I went outside to talk to Aiden, and that man was there. He called me over, asking for my help," Crescent begins. "Then he changed into someone else for a second and I got scared. He threatened to hurt Moon if I didn't go into the spirit realm and let him talk to his mate. But it's really hard to form a spirit into an apparition, and it hurts."

"Then what happened?" I ask.

"Well, I did it because I didn't want him to hurt you. Then you appeared out of nowhere," he says quietly.

"And how did you end up here?" I ask Greg.

"Someone who was out hunting reported seeing someone they didn't recognize in the woods heading east towards your house, so I went over there to see if you guys were okay," he explains.

"But if that wasn't Crescent's real dad, just a shapeshifter, where is his actual dad. . .?" I muse. "Anyway, I guess it doesn't matter. Do you have any information on who the shapeshifter was, Gregory?"

"Some," he replies. "His name was Nathaniel Wells. His mate was killed during a huge feud we had with his clan a few years ago. His mate happened to be a warrior, and apparently you killed him. Somehow, he found out that Crescent is a spirit wolf and tracked him down, posing as a prisoner of the clan so he could easily get in here. He upped the act even more by acting as Crescent's father. He must've somehow known what Crescent looks like so he could shift into a form that would resemble him. But anyway, he acted nice and like he wanted to get to know him so we wouldn't be too suspicious, but we were a little anyway. And that led to all the drama that happened yesterday."

"Hm, okay. I still want everyone on high alert, we don't know if that guy had accomplices."

Greg nods.

"And how are you doing, Crescent?" Clarke asks gently.

"I'm okay," he says quietly, and I reach out to rub his back. He swats my hand away.

"Whoa. What was that for, you little brat?" I ask angrily.

"Nothing, I'm sorry. I'm kinda tired, can I sleep now?" he asks.

"Uh, sure, but are you mad or something. . . ?" I question.

"I'm not mad," he mumbles.

"Then why are you acting weird? You're obviously upset," Greg says.

"It's just. . ." he bites his lip as his eyes well up with tears.

"Come here," I say, pulling him into my arms. "Tell me what's wrong. Right now."

"This," he cries, pointing to his mark. "It's been weird all day and I don't know what to do."

"It hurts. . .?"

"No. . ." he sniffs.

"Can I see?" I ask as gently as I can.

He hesitates, but then he nods slowly. I unzip his sweatshirt and pull his shirt up slowly, unsure of what I'll see. I chuckle and sigh in relief at what I discover.

"Crescent, it's glowing. Has your wolf been talking to you?" Greg asks.

"It wants me to go hunting, I think," he whispers.

My mark begins to glow as well upon seeing his doing it. My heart skips a beat as I realize what this means. We're going to mate tonight.


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