Twenty-Seven: Lima Bean

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***Moon's P. O. V.***.

"Moon!" Crescent suddenly exclaims in the quiet waiting room, causing everyone to turn and look at us.

"Crescent," I snap. "Sshh. This is a doctor's office. You have to be quiet."

"But why?" he whispers.

"I. . . I actually don't know. You just do. But anyway, what were you gonna tell me?"

"Well, I'm reading this tiny book I found over there, and look! There's so many fun things I can do while I'm pregnant! Like yoga! Moon, let's do yoga!"

"Do you even know what yoga is?" I raise an eyebrow.

"It's like. . . stretches, right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Crescent-" a nurse begins to say, but my mate cuts her off.

"That's me!" he yells, jumping up.

The nurse smiles and leads us back to an examination room.

"There's a robe for you right here," she says, handing him a blue garment. "We don't expect you to completely strip after the first appointment. It's just that today we have to do a pelvic exam and a breast tissue exam. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you!" he replies happily.

The nurse chuckles at his cuteness and exits the room to give us some privacy. I help him take his clothes off and cover up with the robe. I hate other people seeing him naked, but it can't be helped in a situation like this.

The doctor is a middle aged guy, a little older than Clarke. He and my uncle are friends, so I trust him to make sure my mate and baby are perfectly healthy. His name is Dr. Parker.

I'm proud of Crescent for not crying during the first part of the examination. The doctor touches his chest, pressing hard and squeezing. Then, he puts two fingers inside Crescent, performing a pelvic exam. He gets his blood drawn too. They do the ultrasound last so we can leave on hopefully a good note.

"Ready to see your baby?" Dr. Parker asks, smiling.

"Yes!" Crescent gasps.

He puts gel on his stomach and turns on the machine. Moving the wand around for a few seconds, he clicks his tongue and makes a "hm" sound.

"What?" I ask worriedly.

"Nothing, Alpha. Your baby is developing very quickly. Could be the alpha gene."

"Really? So it might be a boy??"

"Maybe," he replies, shrugging and smiling. "Do you see the baby on the monitor, Mr. Crescent?"

"No," he replies, sounding a little sad.

"He or she is right there. See?" he says, tracing the outline of the tiny body on the screen.

"Ooh," Crescent days, his voice wavering.

"What's wrong?" I ask, noticing him start to cry.

"I-it's so u-ugly!" he cries. "I can't b-believe I'm h-having a l-lima bean!"

"It's not a lima bean," I say, rolling my eyes. "It just kind of looks like one."

"Here, this is what it looks like inside you," Dr. Parker say calmly, grabbing a little booklet and flipping to a certain page.

"O-oh. Are y-you sure?"

"Yes. It's still a little alien-like, but trust me, the baby will start looking more normal soon."

"O-okay," he says, and I reach out to wipe his face of tears.

He's fine for the rest of the appointment as the doctor explains what he should be eating, what kind of medications to be taking, and talks about some issues that might arise. Crescent breaks down as soon as we're alone in the room. He runs into my arms, and I can feel his hot tears on my skin as he buries his face in my neck. I hug him softly, thinking he's just hormonal right now and still upset about the lima bean situation. I don't get concerned until his entire body begins to tremble.

"Are you okay, Koala?" I ask, and his head shakes slightly. "What's the matter? Talk to me, baby."

He shakes his head again. I decide not to press the issue. I'll let him finish crying, and we can talk about it later.

"Come on, get dressed. Let's go home," I command, lifting him off my lap.


We're on the couch, watching Adventure Time. My little mate is all wrapped up in a blanket, laying in my lap.

"Can I ask you why you cried at the doctor's office earlier?" I ask suddenly.

He looks up at me with those big, blue orbs.

"I'm sorry," he says quietly. "I was just. . . upset. I'm not doing a good job of taking care of the baby. I'm so sorry, Moon!"

"What makes you say that??"

"The doctor was talking about all the things that could go wrong, and I feel like it would be my fault if something happened!" he says.

"It would not be your fault. You're doing amazingly. Didn't you hear Dr. Parker say that the baby was big for how old they are? That means you're doing a good job," I reply, kind of angry that he thinks he's disappointing me.


"Yes, Koala."

He lays his head down on my chest again, a smile creeping onto his lips. I reach down and touch his flat belly, kissing his head.


It's been a few days since Crescent went to the doctor. Things have been pretty normal. He gets morning sickness every day, but he's only actually puked a few times. He goes between crabby and happy a lot.

It's past noon, so now I'm going to check on him. I usually take the opportunity to work while he rests. The door is open a crack when I get upstairs, so I peek in to see if he's asleep. I can hear faint moans. I'm about to rush in there and ask if he's okay, but then I notice what he's doing.

Looking in the room, I see that he's laying flat on his stomach, naked. He's rubbing himself against the sheets, moaning my name.

"Ooh, Moon! That feels good! Ah! Yes! P-please!" he yells.

I smirk, slightly amused. He's so damn adorable! I watch him twitch as he almost cums. He whimpers, releasing all over the sheets. He collapses, obviously exhausted. I watch as he slowly sits up, gasping when he sees the mess he made. I open the door fully, chuckling as he scrambles to cover up the stains.

"Whatcha doin'?" I ask, pretending like I don't know.

"N-nothing. I woke up not that long ago," he stutters.

"Really? I thought I heard something."

"No. . ." he says, looking down at his hands.

"Crescent, I saw the last bit of it. I know you masturbated," I say bluntly.

"I didn't!" he insists.

"Don't lie. It's fine if you jerk off. You're a guy, after all. But now that I caught you, you owe me. Ready for round two?" I ask, coming over to him.

He nods quickly, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. I crawl onto the bed and get on top of him, kissing him gently. Shit, I love him so much.

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