Thirty: Halloween

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***Crescent's P. O. V.***.

"Moon, can I ask you a question?"

"You just did."

"Ugh! Don't make me mad!" I growl.

"Sorry," he chuckles. "What's your question?"

"Well, I was just wondering, what exactly is Halloween?"

"Halloween started as a celebration to ward off evil spirits, I think. But now it's like when kids dress up in costumes and go knock on doors for candy. Did they mention Halloween in one of those cartoons you watch or something?"

"Yes," I nod. "When is Halloween?"

"October. You might give birth before then, or you'll be really pregnant. You won't be able to participate," he says.

"Oh," I say sadly.

"Well. . . When's your birthday? Maybe we could have a costume party then. At least if it's coming up soon."

"It's in September," I reply even sadder, feeling tears starting to well up in my eyes.

"No, don't cry! I'm the alpha, I can order a Halloween celebration to take place right now if I want!"

"You can?" I sniff.

"Mhm. Why don't I plan one for this weekend? I'll tell everyone in the pack about it, and it'll be just like the real Halloween."

"Thank you," I say quietly, drying up my tears.

"You're welcome," he says, hugging me.


"So you said you had some concerns, Alpha?" Dr. Parker asks, flipping through my paperwork.

"Yes. He's already growing a baby bump, and it's way too early on. He's not supposed to start showing until about four months, right?" Moon says.

"That's correct. Let's do an ultrasound and take a look. Is that alright, Crescent?"

"Yep!" I answer, nodding.

I lay down on the bed thing, giving Moon the okay to pull up my shirt. The doctor puts that jelly stuff on my stomach and moves that special stick around on it. He knits his eyebrows together, squinting at the little screen.

"That's impossible," he whispers.

"What??" Moon nearly yells.

"I apologize, Alpha. Hold on one moment," he gathers up a couple papers and leaves all of a sudden.

Dr. Parker comes back with a nurse, and they move the stick around my belly some more.

"And you're positive it wasn't like this before?" the nurse asks.

"I'm sure," he answers.

"Tell me what's going on right now," Moon growls, and I start to get upset.

"Well, it's the strangest thing," the doctor runs a hand through his hair. "At the first ultrasound, there was one sac and one baby, but now. . . there are four."

***Moon's P. O. V.***

"Four," I repeat, feeling the room spin a little.

Crescent gasps loudly, "The Goddess listened to my prayers!!!"

I don't reply. I sit there, completely shell shocked. This cannot be happening. Four? Four babies? How is this possible? Could it be that the Goddess granted Crescent's wish to have many children? She's never listened to me before. . .

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