Twenty-Two: Gabe

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***Moon's P. O. V.***.

"Morning," I say, rolling over in bed and seeing Crescent looking at me.

I sit up and stretch, glancing at the time. It's seven in the morning. We went to bed really early last night, so that explains why I'm up at this time. Crescent always gets up early, so it's not unusual for him.

"How are you doing?" I ask, knowing he's probably sore.

"I can't move," he says quietly.

"I'll help you."

I prop him up using all the pillows, careful not to jostle him too much. He winces slightly.

"How's that?" I ask.

"Good," he replies, smiling a little.

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"You don't have to make breakfast. I'll make it after my butt stops hurting."

"You'll probably be sore for awhile, so I'll just make it. Tell me what you want."

He hesitates before answering, "I just want cereal. And juice."

"The kind with the marshmallows? And is apple juice okay?"

"Mhm, and yep."

I go to the kitchen and pour him some cereal, putting just the right amount of milk in. Then I look in the fridge for juice, discovering we have juice boxes. Perfect. Now I don't have to get a cup dirty. I grab a muffin for myself, and then head back upstairs.

"Thanks, Moon," Crescent says as I hand him the food.

"Welcome," I reply, my mouth full.

"Moon, can we go to the zoo?" he asks.


"Well, maybe not today. My body hurts a little too much. Could we go tomorrow??" he asks excitedly.

"We'll see."

"Okay. . ." he pouts.


He mounts me, blushing cutely.

"Like this?" Crescent asks.

"Mhm, just like that. You're sure you want to do this. . .?"

"Yes! I want more fun sex time!"

I chuckle, "Good. Me too."

Although Crescent has been complaining all day of his body hurting, he still wants to do "it". I suggested trying a different position. I want him to ride me.

He's already prepped with lube, so all I have to do now is guide him in what to do exactly.

"I'm gonna spread your butt cheeks, okay? You just have to sit down slowly and let me go inside you."

"'Kay," he nods, looking nervous.

He can't support himself with his hands, so I might need to support him. We'll see how he does on his own for now, maybe he can just stay upright.

He bites his lip as he goes down.

"Nngghh, please!" he suddenly cries out.

My eyes flutter closed in pleasure as my throbbing sex enters his hole. He breathes hard, wrinkling his forehead until he's fully seated. He clenches and unclenches around me, his member leaking pre-cum.

"Hm, mm, ah. . ." he moans.

I wait until he gets used to it, then I tell him to move.

"H-how?" he whines.

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