Sixteen: Dad

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***Crescent's P. O. V.***.

It's been a few days since I was marked. I don't remember the past couple days very much, though. My chest still aches. The good part of it is that Moon gives me so much attention! He feeds me candy, and watches whatever shows I want with me!

"Crescent? You awake?" Moon asks, coming in the room suddenly.

"Mhm, I just woke up," I reply sleepily.

He flips on the light and sits on the bed, "Are you still hurting really badly?"

"I'm feeling a little better."

"That's good. Are you up for having my uncles over today?" he asks.

"Yes!" I exclaim, wincing when my chest starts to hurt.

"Hey, don't hurt yourself. Is it okay if I leave for a little bit while you hang out with Clarke and Greg?"

"I guess so. . . But where are you gonna go?"

"A few of the Council members wanted to meet about something. A few of our pack members were captured by an enemy pack at the edge of their territory, so a group of warriors went to retrieve them and show that pack not to screw with us. I would've been with them, but that was the day you got marked. We brought back the prisoners from other packs too, and apparently there's a problem," he shrugs.

"Oh, okay. Will you be gone a long time?"

"No, I'll be back for dinner. At least, probably. I'll call you if not."

"Sounds good."


***Moon's P. O. V.***

"So what's the issue?" I ask in an annoyed tone, interrupting one of the elders.

"Oh, uh, well. . ." he stutters. "One of the prisoners we picked up along with the ones that are members of our pack claims to be Crescent's father."

"What?" I gape. "H-how does he even know that Crescent is here??"

"He doesn't. Apparently, he's been searching for him for years and years, and he narrowed his search down to this general area. We had to sedate him because he was in a frenzy about asking where his son is," he replies.

"I don't want want him near Crescent. Where is he right now?"

"In the hospital. He was severely beaten by his captors, so he needed treatment," one of the other counsel members pipes up.

"I'll go see him," I decide.

Some of the other men try to protest, but I ignore them. A few support my decision. I get up from my seat, blocking out every voice in the room. I'm going to see this bastard who claims to be Crescent's dad.


I don't knock before entering the hospital room. I'm having a hard time believing this stranger is my mate's father. I'm gonna be pissed if he has even a smidgen of malicious intent.

A man who appears to be in his late thirties is in the bed. He looks a lot like Crescent, though his blond hair has white hairs spread throughout. He appears to be asleep, but his eyes snap open when he hears me coming towards him. I sit down in a chair casually, and examine the man's looks more. He has the same vivid blue eyes as Crescent, although one is tainted by a giant black bruise. He has bandaids all over his face, and a long bandage wrapped around his arm. I'm sure there are other injuries I can't see beneath the hospital gown and blanket.

"Hello," I say. "So I hear you're telling people that you're Crescent's father."

His eyes widen, "Have you seen Crescent?? Is he in this pack?? He's a little boy, blond with blue eyes-"

Moon's Crescent (Book One)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant