Thirty-Five: Greg & Clarke's Wedding

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***Moon's P. O. V.***.

~~~Sixth Month of Pregnancy~~~

Today, Crescent and I are going shopping for gifts for Clarke and Greg. Well, technically for their babies. The wedding is tomorrow (we really procrastinated), and instead of having people bring regular wedding gifts, they asked for baby gifts. That way, they can skip having a baby shower. It's too expensive to have both a wedding and a baby shower, so it's better to combine them.

As for the condition of Crescent's hands, they keep shifting slightly. He can move his fingers slightly now, and his wrist isn't locked in place at all. He's so weird. I mean come on, his body can fix itself?!

We decide to go to Babies R Us to get presents. Crescent already has a small list of the items he thinks will be good to buy. I feel awkward inside a baby store, even though I shouldn't. I'll probably get used to it when my babies arrive, right?

"Crescent, pull down your shirt. It's going up again," I say as I grab a cart from inside the store.

"Oh," he says, looking down at his half-exposed belly.

There aren't a lot of options for men when it comes to maternity clothing, so Crescent has been settling for oversized shirts. As his belly gets bigger, he's been switching to mostly comfortable clothes. He hardly ever wears jeans anymore, mostly sweatpants.

"Can I ride in the cart?" he asks excitedly.

"Uh, sure."

I lift him into the cart. He grins from ear to ear. It still amazes me how happy he gets from such small things.

"So what's on the list?" I ask.

He names everything he thinks we should get. He has it written down on a pink piece of paper in his terrible handwriting. Er, foot-writing.

When we finish at the store, I'm the one in charge of wrapping everything. I'm not the best at wrapping, but oh well. I do my best.

"What are you doing?" I ask as Crescent comes down the stairs.

He has my iPod held between his hands, with a pair of headphones put around his huge stomach.

"The babies love music!" he exclaims, smiling.

I'm glad that he's happy. He's so wonderful when he's not acting like a complete bitch.

"Do you have what you're going to wear to the ceremony all laid out and ready?" I ask.

"Mhm," he nods.

"And everything fits?"

"Yes, Moon. It's a little tight, but I can do it."

"Good. C'mere, let me snuggle you. I feel like I miss you for some reason," I say, surprising myself at how blunt I'm being about this.

"I kinda miss you too," he replies.

"What do you mean kinda??" I ask offendedly.

He grins, throwing himself into my arms. I kiss his face all over, running my hands through his soft, sweet smelling hair.

"Can we have a little fun?" I whisper into his ear.

"No, Moon. Not in the mood. Too fat right now."

"Oh, come on! You're not fat!"

"Lying is a sin," he says, scowling.

I purse my lips and roll my eyes. What a weirdo.

"Maybe some other time we can do something," he says as he crosses his arms and closes his eyes.

"Okay," I sigh.

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