Eleven: Crescent's Wish

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***Crescent's P. O. V.***.

Moon fell asleep in his chair a few hours ago. Usually, he sleeps in a cot beside my bed. I've been trying to sleep, but I can't! It's not nightmares, it's that I'm worried about my new friend Aiden. He had to leave the play room really fast because his stomach hurt. I want him to be okay. I don't really know what cancer is, but if Clarke is one of his doctors then I think he will get healed of it.

I slowly climb out of bed. Moon never wakes up, so he won't notice I'm gone. I stumble a little. I'm still a little weak.

I need to find Aiden to make sure he's okay. I can walk around the whole floor, checking each door to see if it says his name. It might take awhile, but I just have to do it!

I look back to make sure Moon is still asleep. Yep. Then I open the door slowly and slip out. There are nurses at the desks, but they don't pay attention at this time of night. As long as I'm quiet and don't go right by them, I should be safe.

It takes me about ten minutes to locate Aiden's room. The lights are on inside; I can tell from the light shining under the crack of the door. I knock a little like Clarke does when he comes in my room before I go in. I look behind me to make sure my IV stand gets in the room too.

Aiden is laying on his bed crying. He has one of those masks on that they use to give you air, and something in his stomach. Gabe is holding his hand, kissing it gently from time to time. His eyes widen when he sees me.

"Crescent," he warns. "You shouldn't be here. Aiden is in a lot of pain and he needs his rest. You have to go back to your room."

"No," Aiden mumbles weakly. "I want to see Crescent."

I cautiously walk over to his bed. Aiden's free hand has a lot of needles in it. I wince, knowing the pain of those needles too.

"It's okay, Aiden," I say. "It hurts right now, but you'll get better really soon! I promise!"

Gabe's eyes well up with tears, and they slowly trickle down his face.

"Look, there's a lot of stars out tonight!" I exclaim. "I heard that if you pick the brightest one and make a wish, then it'll come true."

"I can't see them from here," Aiden says quietly.

"I'll do it for you then!" I go over to the window and find the brightest star in the sky. "So, Mr. Brightest Star, I wish with all my heart that Aiden could get better. And that his hair will grow back nice and long. That's all. Thank you! Now I'll make a wish. Ahem, Mr. Second Brightest Star, I wish that I could go home very soon, and that Moon will love me forever. That's it."

I turn back to Aiden, who's smiling a little through his tears. I smile too, but then his nose starts to bleed.

"Uh oh," Gabe says, getting a tissue.

He holds it to his mate's nose, catching any blood that falls. I get into his bed, careful not to touch him in case I hurt him. Good thing it's a big bed. I kiss his cheek softly.

"Try to sleep. You'll feel better in the morning," I say.

"Okay, Crescent," he sniffs. "Night."


Gabe flips the light off, and me and the cancer-stricken boy fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up still next to Aiden. Gabe is asleep on a cot. I'm about to get up and go back to my room when the door flies open.

"Crescent!" Moon hisses, trying to be quiet as not to wake the other two in the room. "What the hell are you doing?"

Gabe stirs and sits up. Moon marches over to me angrily and picks me up, setting me roughly on my feet and pushing me towards the door.

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