Chapter 19

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A/N: I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I havent posted anything I was at WATERSPORTS CAMP!!!! It. Was. AWESOME!!!! I learned how to Kneebored (Probably didnt spell that right but whateves)


Skylee's POV A week later...

I sat on the floor in our quarters meditating. It was something Kanan had been instructing us to do since the start of our training. While Ezra would rather pratice lightsaber fighting, I chose the more.. peaceful way of the force. So whenever I needed a clear head, I meditated. And I needed that more then ever now, with everything I had learned- or still learning about my parents has left my mind in a complete state of confusion. The reason I was still learning about my parents is because of my Aunt Thea. Though we still didnt know if she was alive or not. But Kentlee volenteered to start the search. It went like this....


I had managed to get back to command while Ahsoka was still talking with my newly found cousin. I over heard some of the conversation, this is where I came in.

"-You would make a valuable member to the rebellion." said Ahsoka.

"Look I get why you would need my help, and as much as I hate the Empire... I cant deal with that responsibility." Kentlee had replied. Ahsoka was quiet for a moment, before she solemnly nodded her head. I then walked into command surprising Kentlee but not Ahsoka, who I'm sure sensed my presence while I walked down the hall.

"How can you pass this up? I understand why you dont trust us yet, but come on." I told her. She gave me a blank look.

"Its not that I dont trust you, I do. But-" She began.

"Whoa wait a second. Not that I want to Jinx it, but you already trust us? You have known us for what, 4 hours?" I asked. She nodded.

"I'm good at reading people, and I know you both are trying to help alot of people. Do I think a few piolits and soldiers can defeat an Empire? That is questionable, but its a possibility, but... I just... I cant help I'm sorry." She then tried to walk out. But I wasnt done.

"Fine walk away, but if I heard my uncle correctly your the daughter of a bounty hunter, right?" She stiffened abit.

"Well way to be so blunt, but yes my father was a bounty hunter." She replied. I crossed my arms and eyed her

"And you followed in his footsteps, correct?" She gave me a blank stare and raised an eyebrow.

"Just because my father was one you think I became one as well?" I shrugged and nodded my head.

"Well.. Actually I would consider myself more a.... Smuggler if you will. But before he died my father taught me a few tricks about bounty hunting." This perked my intrest.

"Tricks?" Ahsoka piped in, asking the question that was in my mind. Kentlee rolled her eyes.

"Yes tricks. The basics really. Like different forms of fighting with different types of weapons, heck I have my own lightsaber, which I stole by the way so dont twist that around, and tracking people down even when it seems impossible." I knew she could help me now.

"How are you at finding people thought to be long gone?" 

"Depends. What does the job pay?" It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"You definatly werent kidding when you said you were a Smuggler. Well considering that me, Chopper, and my sister got you off Coursant, lets just say this is you paying us back." I smirked I knew I had her cornered.

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