Chapter 7

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A/N: Hey everyone I'm back!! And I have some sad news... SPRING BREAK IS ENDING!!!! :'( So updates may not come as quickly anymore.


Skylee's POV

I woke up when I felt something move against my cheek. I open my eyes to see Ezra sound asleep next to me, I gently placed my head on his shoulder so I wouldn't wake him up and tried to fall asleep again. But when I turned my head toward Ezra I saw 2 scars on his cheek where the gashes had once been a few weeks ago. I felt a small pang of guilt for not being able to help him then. I lightly gave him a kiss on the cheek and set my head back on his chest.

After a few minutes Ezra began to stir. I turned over and buried my head in my pillow. I felt Ezra's arm wrap around my waist as he woke up. I turned my head to see him rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Morning." I said happily.

He gave me a sleepy smile and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Morning beautiful." He said. I rolled my eyes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

I sat up and stretched my arms above my head. I heard Ezra laugh. "Your hair is a total mess Sky." He said. I turned my head toward him and smiled.

"And who's fault is that?" I asked him sarcastically. He gave a cheeky smile and raised his hand.

"Guilty." He said with a laugh. I grabbed my pillow and chucked it at him. I got up and quickly changed into my red sweater, light grey jeans, and brown flats. Once I was done Ezra was just sitting up and beginning to get up. I laughed and shook my head.

"What?" He asked looking at me.

"Nothing..." I said. I looked in the mirror that was above my dresser. Whoa. Ezra was right. I thought when I saw my reflection. My long hair had come out of its braid, thank you very much Ezra, and had become a slightly frizzy mess from the previous night. I sighed and fix my hair the best I could. I saw my hand and a smile spread across my face when I saw my engagement ring. I gave out a blissful sigh and began to hum.

"Your in a good mood." Ezra commented as he pulled his shirt over his head.

"Better then a good mood try great." I said.

"That goes for both of us." He said leaning against the wall.

"How great can life get?" I asked standing in front of him.

Ezra smiled and threw his arm around my shoulders. "All I can say is that whatever gets thrown our ways I am really glad we will face them together." He said.

"It is true what they say. Great minds think alike." I said.

"Yes. Now shall we head to breakfast and tell our friends and family my fiancee?" He asked. I nodded and with that we headed to the cafeteria.


We walked to where the crew and my sister were sitting. Hera and Kanan were sitting side-by-side (Of course), Sabine sat next to Zoe who was messily eating her breakfast, Jayla sat on the other side of Sabine talking about who knows what, and Zeb was missing (Napping. Again). Ezra still had his arm around my shoulders and I had the hand that had my ring hidden behind my back.

"Hi everyone." I said when we sat down.

"Hey guys." Ezra said after me. We were responded with a series of Hello's, Hi's, and Hey's.

"So.. Whats up?" Hera asked. I smiled, I was practically about to burst from excitement.

"Well since you asked." I said then I put my hand out and my ring gleamed brightly in the light.

Jay's face lit up in a big smile then she clapped her hands together."Finally! I was about to burst from not telling to you about it!" She said happily.

Sabine gave a big smile before studying the ring. "Good job kid." She complemented Ezra

"Well actually i'm not-" Ezra began until I jabbed him in the ribs with my elbow.

"What was that?" Hera asked.

"Nothing." We said simultaneously

"Never mind. Congratulations you two." Kanan said.

"Thanks." Ezra said.


Since we had a rescue mission yesterday Ahsoka didn't assign our cell a mission. So after we all ate breakfast, we parted ways. Hera went to the ships controls saying she was helping pilot the ship, Kanan went to meditate giving us the day off from Jedi Training (Mainly because I think our training is nearly complete), Sabine took Zoe and Jayla tagged along because she wanted to help babysit. And that left Me and Ezra, and since it would come up later anyway we discussed living arrangements and decided to just live in my room since I had the most stuff.

"And done." Ezra said as he placed the last of his clothes in the dresser.

"Good." I said as I worked on one of my dad's old blueprints from when I was a kid.

Ezra looked over my shoulder and saw me fixing some of the problems I came across in my dads design. "What are you up to?" He asked.

"Fixing an old weapon design my dad came up with." I replied.

"Wow. That's cool." Ezra said. "What exactly is it?" He asked.

"Its suppose to be a blaster that had about as much firepower a s T-7 but small enough where it can be concealed and go unnoticed." I answered. He nodded and picked up part of the blaster that would be the handle. I found way to fix each problem my dad came across except for one, I couldn't figure it out! So I threw down my pencil and gave a frustrated groan.

"What wrong?" Ezra said.

"Nothing", I said before yawning and rubbing my eyes. "I just need to sleep." I said. I changed into my Pj's, which was just a tank-top and shorts and fell asleep.

A couple weeks later.....

I was sitting at my desk working on the blueprints, Ezra sat on our bed fixing his lightsaber/blaster which was damaged during our latest mission. We had just came back from dinner not to long ago and everything was peaceful.

Then out of no where my stomach turned. I covered my mouth and ran quickly to the bathroom that was connected to our room and I emptied the contents of my stomach. I felt a hand rubbing small circles on my back as I did so, when I looked up I saw Ezra behind me who looked pretty concerned.

"Sky are you okay?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah I probably just caught some sickness or some stomach bug." I said. I honestly felt alot better now, just a bit nauseous.

"Well if your sick then you need to rest." He said helping me up. I nodded and I brushed my teeth a couple times to get that God awful taste out of my mouth. Then I changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed trying to fall asleep.

While I tried to sleep I thought about what could have made me sick. I was perfectly fine earlier, what could have made me that sick? I thought to myself. I began to think back the last few weeks, then it hit me. Could it be? I asked myself, I began to worry if what I was thinking was true how would we be affected by this. Don't worry Skylee, your just being paranoid and jumping to conclusions. There is no way that is true. I reassured myself. But that uneasy feeling didn't leave. And the more I thought about it, the clearer it became.

Was it possible?

A/N: Sorry guys if this is a crappy chapter I tried. So what do you guys think Skylee is sick from? Tell me in the comments! Night Guys!


~God Bless You~

-This is Rebel_Princess signing off-

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