Chapter 2

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A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!!!!! We have had spring testing ALL WEEK!!! But i'm here now so no worries.


Skylee's POV

I snuck through the shadows in my cloak. We couldn't let them know we were here, or at least not yet. This was the plan, me and Ezra would sneak up, knock out the troopers, and disable the cameras in that area. Once the coast was clear enough Hera would land the Phantom and the rest of the crew would come. Zeb would stay outside and make sure nobody sneaks up on us. Sabine will guard the surveillance room and make sure we are all clear. Kanan and Ezra will be there if we run into trouble. And finally Chopper and I will get the signal on the spike so we will be able to do a broadcast.

Everything had gone according to plan more or less. We knocked out the troopers and had little to no trouble.

I had my back to the wall. Next to me was Ezra and next to him was Kanan and final behind Kanan was Chopper. "Spector 5 all clear for the next hall?" I asked through the com. "All clear Spector 7." She replied. I poke my head around the corner and begin running down the hall with the others following closely behind. I finally got to the door. "Come on Chopper we gotta hurry." I said to the astronomic behind me. He responded with a few beeps.

I opened the door and, you guessed it there were a couple of Stormtroopers. Before they could even yell out I shot them with my lightsaber/blaster. They weren't dead. I always have the blaster on my lightsaber set on stun. I moved the stunned troopers out of my way. I began the process of getting the signal. Chopper grumbled while starting his job. "Shut it Chopper. Just hurry." I said. He said said something, the only thing I got from that was, "Skylee." and "Dumb Human". "Just hurry up you good-for-nothing rust-bucket!" I growled.

"Spector 7! Get out of there now-" Sabine's voice yelled over the com before it cut off. What is going on? I thought to myself. I grabbed my com. "Spector 5 whats wrong?" I said calmly. Nothing. All I got was static. "Chopper please just hurry up." I said panicked. He didn't reply but he did hurry. Finally I got the signal. "Lets get out of here!" I said running toward the door.

I was suddenly yanked back. I screamed in response. "Well well well. What do we have here?" A voice I had hoped to never hear again say.

"Well what you have here is a Jedi Padawan who is about to kick your sorry-" I began, but I was interrupted by my air supply being cut off. I was being force choked.

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you." He said.

I claw at the invisible hand choking me out of instinct. The Inquisitor laughed at my action. "No need to struggle, it will only cause you to die faster." He said.

My eyes scan the room quickly for Chopper, but he was no where to be found. That rust-bucket left me here!" I thought angrily. I began to feel lightheaded and I kept seeing spots in my vision.

This is it. I thought. I am never gonna see my sister, or Ezra, or the crew ever again. I thought. Then suddenly I fell to the floor. I coughed and tried to regain my breath. I looked around to see Ezra trying his best to fight the Inquisitor.

I tried to stand up, but my vision was still spotty and I was still lightheaded. Ezra stumbled backward and the Inquisitor tripped him up. And just as he was about to kill Ezra, a cloaked figure ran in. Then the figure slammed into the Inquisitor, who was knocked off balance, during this time Kanan had ran in and was prepared to fight.

I got my vision back in a matter of seconds. I ran to Ezra who was still on the ground, I feared the worse. I shook his shoulder. "Ezra! Come on we need to go!" I said in an urgent tone. He didn't move for a moment, but then he groaned in pain and touched his cheek. It was then I noticed the two small gashes on his cheek. "Ezra please get up we need to get out of here!" I said. "Help me. I don't think I can walk on my own." He said. I nodded and helped him up, I pulled his arm over my shoulder to help balance him enough to walk.

A New  Friend (A Star Wars Rebels Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon