Chapter 5

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A/N:Hey guys Guess what. I'M ON SPRING BREAK!!!!! So there will be updates here and there.


Skylee's POV

Me and Jay had been walking around for a little while. Apparently she thought it would be fun for me to help her with the work she does here to help with the rebellion. It amazes me how smart she is, she is only 7 (or in her case 7 and 1/2) and she has been helping run a rebellion! Grant it is only small jobs she is given, but every little thing counts, I never would have been able to do what she has accomplished at that age.

"Jay are we almost done?" I asked as I finished placing the last comlink in place.

"Yes. I think it is time for lunch right about now." She replied.

I grinned. "Great. Because thanks to you we didn't eat breakfast." I said placing my hands on my hips. I wasn't really hungry, but who doesn't loved to mess with their siblings sometimes.

She threw her hands up in frustration. "I had to complete my work for the last few days! I have been catching up with you so I haven't been working." She said.

I shake my head and smile. "Whatever Jay. Lets go eat." I said then we walk to the bases cafeteria.


We grabbed our trays and found a table. I began to eat the soup they were serving for lunch, not the best soup I have ever eaten I might add. I finally manage to choke down the soup and I then begin to nibble on the bread that was probably the best part of the meal. Jayla quickly finished, saying she wanted to get a head start on her work for tomorrow,leaving me sitting by myself. Then Hera and Sabine joined me. It was then I noticed a few people missing from our table.

"Where are the guys?" I asked.

"Supply run." Sabine said in-between bits.

I raised an eyebrow. "And you two didn't go? More importantly why didn't I go?" I asked, the second question I asked more to myself.

"They didn't need our help today." Hera said.

I was about to ask another question, but decided against it. So I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of water.

"So.. Skylee whats up between you and Ezra?" Sabine said after a few minutes.

I raised my eyebrow. "Were good..." I said giving her a questioning glance.

"That's it?" She asked.

"Yeah... Why do you want to know?" I asked.

"Duh girl talk." She replied like it was the most obvious thing ever.

I roll my eyes and took another sip of my water. Then we slipped into another silence.

"So Skylee what plans do you have for the future?" Hera asked.

I let that question run through my mind. Did I have plans for the future? I mean what happens after the rebellion? Will me and Ezra still be together in the future? For a few minutes I kept quiet while these question ran through my mind. I looked up at them and sighed my reply. "None that I know of."

"What about you and Ezra's future. Any plans?" Hera asked.

"What do you mean by 'plans'?" I asked in reply.

"Oh I don't know, hmm marriage perhaps?" She said. I busted out laughing.

"Do you not know Ezra? He wouldn't ask me that in a million years." I replied when I my laughter finally died away.

"You never know." Sabine piped in.

I shook my head. "He wouldn't ask me." I said.

"Would you want him to?" Hera asked.

I shrugged. "Sure I guess? I mean who wouldn't want someone they really care about to ask them that. But there are a lot of What if's that come with this situation. Like What if we don't work out? or What if one of us gets really hurt or killed even? There are a lot of factors that kinda put a damper on that fantasy." I said with a sad shrug.

Hera gave me what looked like a sympathetic nod. Sabine thought over it for a moment then nodded as well.

"Answer this for me. If he were to ask you right now, what would you say?" Hera asked.

I thought over that question for a minute or two. "I would say yes." I answered.

The duo smiled like they now knew something I didn't. I want badly to ask what they knew that I didn't, but I was interrupted by the alarm that signaled lunch was over and we needed to go back where we were suppose to be.

"Bye Guys." I said walking away with my tray.

Ezra's POV

We docked the ship on the outskirts of the Capitol city on Lathol next to my old tower. I stepped off the ramp and took a deep breath of fresh air. Kanan and Zeb followed out, Kanan was typing away a a datapad checking what supplies Ahsoka had told us to get.

He turned to me. "We can take care of the supplies, you go get that ring." He said with a small smile. I gave them my signature two-finger salute and took off toward the market.

I had been through this part of the city many times before, mostly when I needed to find food so I would starve to death that week, never did I think I would be looking for a ring. I looked around and saw a few merchants selling jewelry, I saw one that had an old, frail, (A/N: BOOM! VOCAB WORD!!) poor looking woman selling rings.

"Hello." I said politely when I walked up to the stand.

The old woman smiled. "Hello young man." She said in a small quiet voice.

"I'm looking for a ring." I said in a point-blank matter.

She smiled and gestured towards the rings in front of her. "A ring for a pretty girl I presume." She said.

I smiled my signature goofy smile, as Sky would call it, and nodded.

"Well take your pick. I have a ring for every type of girl." She said.

I looked over them all. None of them really seemed to say Sky, they were either to bold or just plain and boring. Then one ring caught my eye, it was silver and towards the middle it seemed as if the silver braided and to top it off it had a beautiful blue diamond in the middle. I smiled and pointed towards the ring. It wasn't to much and it wasn't to simple, it was one of a kind, just like Skylee

"That one." I said.

The old woman smiled. "Wonderful choice, it is one of a kind." She said handing me the ring. I smiled and placed the ring in my pocket.

'Thank you very much." I said handing her the credits.

"Your very welcome young man, good luck." She replied.

I waved her goodbye and walked back towards the Ghost. Part two of my plan complete, now time for part three.

A/N:Hey guys I know I know this is probably what your are all screaming at your Phone/Tablet/Computer/ etc. WHY WONT EZRA JUST ASK HER ALREADY??!!!!! Dont worry I got plans just be patient. Patience is the key to life.



~God Bless You~

-This is Rebel_Princess signing off-

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