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I came home at a reasonable hour but Neji wasn't home. I searched the large mansion but no, Neji wasn't here and nor was our daughter. Our daughter. Tsubasa Hyuiha. Have I really accepted her so easily? I can't just jump right in and be a father, I don't know what to do, what's necessary, I can't do this alone. I know I was forcing Neji to raise her by himself but I've changed, I want to change. So where is he?

I went to the phone and called the Hyuga main home, someone answered and transferred me to Hiashi Hyuga's office.

"Hyuga," was how he answered the phone, stiff and to the point.

"Hi, its Sasuke," I said. "Is Neji there?"

"Uchiha? You don't know where Neji is?" He sounded confused, and concerned. "How can you not know where your wife is? You let her walk around without your supervision?" Now he sounded slightly amused, as if he was looking down on me.

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, asking someone out there for strength. I hated being treated like a kid or like I was ignorant. "Neji may be my wife but I don't feel like I should monitor his every move either. I'm only calling because its dinnertime and he's not home. Maybe he went there, possibly to visit Hinata? Is she there too?"

Hiashi said, "No my daughter is not home, she left on a mission earlier today. Let me ask you this Uchiha, how is the marriage going? I figured with a strong man like you in the house, you would have garnered total control in your home. Is there something the matter?"

I pressed my forehead against the wall. Damn, I hate nosey people. I answered, "Everything is fine Mr. Hyuga, honestly. All I was calling for was about where Neji was. Seeing as you don't know, I'll just hang up now. Goodbye."

"Don't hang up just yet Uchiha," spoke Hiashi before I could. "I am curious about this situation. I understand what you were calling about and I could not help you, however you can still answer my questions. How is Neji doing, wifely wise?"

I sighed in my mind but answered, "He's a good wife. He cooks, he cleans, he raises the baby. I have no complaints."

"Hm, sounds typical wifely behavior. Still, Uchiha, it is not normal for a good wife to stay out past dinnertime, especially with a child. Are you being a good husband?"

Okay, now he's prying. I gritted my teeth and tried to speak calmly, "I can admit we had a rough time at first but we've come through it and things are going to be better. Are you going somewhere with this or are you just rambling senselessly?"

"Oh I am most definitely going somewhere with my comments Uchiha. I am saying that when a husband is astray, the wife will play."

My spine snapped straight and my head reared back as my neck tightened. "What is that supposed to mean?" My voice was a low gnarr.

The head Hyuga was quiet for a few moments then said, "I'm very sure you know what that means. My sources tell me Neji was seen with a certain Tenten nearly all day yesterday and that they seemed very happy together and they have been together today. You know Tenten is not a bad woman, a fine kunoichi, she is attractive and they've known each other for a long time. Neji has never been close to you and if you two are having problems at home, he will naturally seek outlets in which to assuage his hurt feelings."

I didn't like a word this man was saying, in fact, if he was in front of me, I would have tried to punch him in his mouth. I rubbed my tense jaw for a few seconds before answering, struggling to speak calmly, "Neji may be many things but he wouldn't cheat on me."

The Hyuga actually laughed. "Cheat on you? My sources have already told me that, if you want to be honest here, you have already cheated on my nephew." He sounded less amused now and merely factual.

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