Chapter 17

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Opening my eyes for the last stimuli test I was hit across the head and fell onto my knees. Being pulled up to my feet I was walked out of the room and past the box that was my goal to open. In the computer area I saw Minho, Jongin, Kyungsoo, Amber, Key, Jonghyun, Yixing, Tao and Kris standing in a line. Being pushed into the line I stood strong not wanting to look weak in front of Krystal's eyes.

"You all thought you could take over Erudite just like that? Haha don't make me laugh," she chuckled and walked to a dead body on the floor and took out the sword that was dug into the person's stomach... that person being Jinki.

My heart raced and my strong posture was weakening. "Jinki! What did you do that for!? I thought he was on your side!" I shouted angrily at her. She turned around and walked to me grabbing my face in her left hand bringing my eyes staring into her own. Hers showed nothing light but darkness which I knew she was evil but I don't remember them being so dark before.

"He was useless Tae sweetie and I needed to get rid of him in case he causes more damage. Now let's get started shall we hm?" she took her hand off my cheek and walked to Kyungsoo who showed no mercy. That didn't do him good as she plunged the sword into him deeply. His eyes widened and blood fell out of his mouth and I watched as he fell onto the floor lifelessly.

"Kyungsoo!" Jongin's cries out crying as his boyfriend was now dead in front of him. Was she really going to kill all of us? Wait she wouldn't kill me so is she doing this so I won't remember to forget this? Was this my punishment to watch my friends die?

A gurgling interrupted my eyes and now Jongin was on the floor covered in his own blood and I watched as he entwined both Kyungsoo and his hands together before he took his last breath. This is really happening I thought mentally gasping my hands cover my mouth. This time she stands in front of me and gives me a sinister look.

"Y-ou wouldn't kill me," I whispered to her and she laughed.

"Actually I will because I hate you Tae," she replied and stabbed me... but instead of feeling pain I felt nothing. I looked to the sword that had disappeared and a shocked face on Krystal's face. I realised I knew what was happening. "How did you know?" she growled.

"Because the Krystal I know has never said that she hated me but loved me," I answered truthfully. Everything disappeared and my eyes opened again but in reality. I was helped down by Minho and I held onto his shirt to keep myself upright.

"You did it," he spoke softly. My attention turned to the box which Krystal takes and walks to her computer placing it down; connecting the wire to the box itself. I walked hand in hand with Minho out to the computer area where Jongin and Jinki were.

"Where is everyone?" I asked them.

"They are all fine we have taken over Erudite but they are just keeping the Erudite people in check," Minho answers me and I nod smiling, I can't believe this is happening. We have conquered Erudite.

"Finally it's working," I could hear Krystal's voice cheer and stepping back a projected woman showed herself on the screen. She was pretty young and looked cheery. She had long brown hair and cute brown eyes which made her own face shine... who was she?

"Hello my name is Seohyun and in this file I will tell you what you are dying to know. I am the leader of an organisation of justice and peace. This fight has become more important and consequently nearly impossible in the past few decades; it is because of this," she gestures to the right and images were shown quickly.

One showed a man hanging himself from a tree, another woman with her child stabbed to death, another was a creator full of dead bodies, and many more like this or more worse was shown. I could have never thought pictures like these were true. It looked like hell and worse compared to where we were.

The images disappeared and she began talking yet again. "You wouldn't have remembered anything of this but if you had a thought that it was terrorists you are only partly right. Half of the pictures that were shown were done by even your own neighbours, relatives and even co-workers. It isn't a normal set of people that are causing the problem but human nature itself."

If Krystal got her way to control us at the start, we would be ignorant but safe and inside the fence... like she said it is safer inside then out there. All that was true to her word.

"This is where you all come in to it. There is no cure for this happening but you are the cure. In order to keep you all safe we devised a way for you to be separated from us, from our water supply, our technology, from societal structure. We formed your society in a particular way in the hope that you will recover the moral sense as what we have lost of our own. Hopefully you or well most of you can keep your sanity where as many of us have failed.

I am leaving this message for you all so when the time comes Amity will be able to open their gates and out you cannot be isolated anymore. There are people who have minds that are flexible and those are people called divergent. They will be able to uncover the truth only as they are better and well minded to do things where as some others cannot.

This information is restricted and I too will have my own identity like you all. Will forget my own past, family and start a new self. My name now is Eunhee and I am married to a perfect man named Kim Jongin with two children. I take my leave and good luck." The video stops and I hear Jongin's eyes widened.

"That was... my great grandfather's name. She must have been my great grandmother. They created all this for us to be safe," Jongin's eyes teared up happily and I walked to him hugging him. A smash was heard and there I saw Krystal growl.

"Not the information I was hoping for... no one must know about this. We all must stay in the fence forever it is the safest way," before she could continue Jinki slammed a metal bar across her head and she fell unconscious.

"Well... I had enough of her lies and complaining," he spoke nervously in which we all laughed agreeing.

It had been 5 days and Krystal was all locked up in her cell. There were no factions as we all declared we were one now and whatever lies beyond the wall is a new beginning but not sure if it's a good or bad one. But we all were still pretty un well since all this war has made people be sent to the hospital to be healed but those who stood were going to help lead us all.

"Minho I wonder what is past this fence, a new chance of life or just a pathway to hell?" I spoke staring into the sun from the balcony off the Erudite building. His hand entwines with my own and a smile appears on his face.

"We will never know until we find out," he answers and we stay in silence as we watch the sunset fall.

I will know what's past that fence.


Well this is the last chapter so thank you for those who read this book ^^ 

But it's not over, there is still one more book to continues those adventures in Allegiant.

Will Tae find happiness or devastation over the fence?

Who will die and who will live?

Find out in the next book hopefully to be up pretty soon ^^

Insurgent (sequel to Divergent 2min) Book 2 (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora