Tutoring Session

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"Here's how things are going to work. You're going to do everything I say. No if ands or buts about it. If I say kiss me, you kiss me. If I say harder, go harder. And if I want you to stop... Well I just don't see that happening." I looked at Josh's shocked face. I guess he never thought that I, Sophie Lane, would be like this. This demanding, commanding him to do everything I told him. Making him whimper and plea.

Josh was laying on my bed naked and tied up. What he thought was suppose to be a nice sleep was really about to be his wettest dream.

I moved my hand down my body rubbing myself sensually right on top of him. He could feel my juices dripping onto him as I could feel his member sticking into me. He was loving this side of Sophie Lane, and I wasn't to shy about it either. Quite frankly... This life gave me something I've been dying for. Something mysterious and revoking. Something to get all those kids back who ever teased me about being a nerd.

This job is called my tutoring session.

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