Chapter Twenty-Nine ❤️❤️❤️

Start from the beginning

"See, Belle is a natural." David says pointing at Belle cuddling Neal, as Neal makes soft noises. "She's got all the emergency numbers. If anything happens, Neal will be okay." He insists.

"I'm not worried about emergency numbers, David. I'm nervous about leaving him at all. Between the curse and the Wicked Witch we don't have the exactly have the best track record with our babies." Mary Margaret explains.

"Everything is going to be fine. And we need this time away." David says, taking Mary Margaret's hand. "You need it." Mary Margaret looks over to Belle, her uneasy gaze interrupted by David once more. "Hey. What do you say?" He says, pressuring her a bit. "You ready for our evening stroll?" He says with a smile. After looking into David's eyes for a second, Mary Margaret gives in and nods. At this very moment, Nora jumps up and runs to get changed. She refuses to stay in this loft all night having awkward conversation with Belle. Much rather be on that evening stroll, which is bound to lead to something exciting. She throws on a pair of jeans and a striped long sleeved shirt, paired with her favorite boots. She then runs to the door just as Mary Margaret and David are heading out.

"So, we are going on an evening stroll?" She says, inviting herself.

"Oh. Uhhhh." David says looking over at Mary Margaret. "Well you see we were sort of thinking that we take this trip alo-" but before he could finish Mary Margaret cuts in.

"Of course you can come, Nora." She says and David glares over at her in annoyance. So much for a getaway and some much needed alone time uninterrupted by children. Nora smiles, skipping ahead of them, out the door as David sighs.

"Really." He says to Mary Margaret, once Nora is too far away to hear.

"Well we couldn't just say no. That would be rude, David. Besides, she could use a night out, I'm sure she didn't want to stay home with Neal and Belle." Mary Margaret explains, walking down the stairs.

"Well she should have stayed home." He says as they meet up with Nora.

"So, where to on this fine night!" Nora says, cheerfully.

"I suppose down the Main Street,to the bluffs, to the library to drop you off." David says, trailing off on that last part. Nora rolls her eyes and begins to say something, but Mary Margaret cuts her off.

"Actually, we will be going to the Sheriff's office first." She decides.

"What for?" David asks.

"To get a walkie talkie, so that Belle can reach us better." Mary Margaret explains and David sighs, but doesn't argue. Nora shrugs, thinking that Mary Margaret may just be a little too paranoid about leaving Neal. But who is she to judge, she isn't a concerned mother. Nora walks ahead as David wraps his arm around his wife. Maybe she was intruding a bit, but she wasn't going to stay home and do nothing.

They enter the sheriff's office and Nora stays back towards the hall as Mary Margaret and David go to retrieve the walkie.

"And I need one of the good Walkies. Not one of those short range things you let Henry play with." Mary Margaret instructs.

"It's a short hike to the bluffs. We will be gone less than an hour." David says.

"With no cell reception, I want to make sure she can reach us." Mary Margaret explains.

"Or you are looking for a way out of this. We are going on this hike." David accuses.

"Yes. And we are going to be reachable." She says in a high tone. David sighs and grabs the walkie.

"This will do it." He says. "I'll call Belle, tell her where to find our walkie at home, and now she will be able to reach us on our drive, our hike, if we fall to a portal to Azgar, where ever we are." David says, walking back towards her. Mary Margaret nods with a smile.

"My hero." Mary Margaret says as she plants a kiss on his cheek and he grabs her hands. Nora stands awkwardly in the corner, staring in the opposite direction. They begin to walk back towards her and the door when David looks over at the cell and comes to a realization.

"Hang on." David says as he stops in his tracks.

"What is it?" Mary Margaret asks and Nora looks over as well.

"You the thief I told you about that ran away from the ice cream shop?" He starts, walking towards the cell.

"Will Scarlet." Mary Margaret says and Nora raises her eyebrows at the familiar name. The nice thief she met in the woods.

"Looks like he managed to jailbreak." David says with a sigh, staring at the empty cell. Will wasn't clever in the woods but he was clever enough of to break out a cell, something she could barely master herself. Nora thinks, with a smile. Good for him.

"Come on let's go." David says turning around, excitement filling his eyes.

"Wait. OH you mean right now?" Mary Margaret says surprised at the sudden action.

"Come on, it would be like old times. A prince and a princess going on an adventure without the Evil Queen on our trail." David says with a wide smile. Mary Margaret stares back at him in a bit of a shock but before she could say anything Nora adds herself to the situation.

"And the grandson's girlfriend of the prince and princess." She says walking towards them. David's smile fades at that remark, almost like it ruins the adventure but Mary Margaret becomes a little less uneasy about it.

"Okay. An adventure. Sure." She says as they leave the sheriff's office.


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