Ch 22. So Not Party Like A Rockstar

Start from the beginning

"Oh don't try to run when I just spent a half hour on you! Come on now, you look great." I hesitated but followed her quietly.

"Are you sure...?" I asked once more.

"Yes! Why wouldn't you be pretty after hundreds of private lessons from my mom who's a make-up artist?!" Wow. Her mom is a make-up artist?

"Okay. Now hold me so that I won't fall when I walk the stairs with these shoes." She smiled while I curled up my arm with hers. I took one step down the stair and everyone looked at me. Or Emíne. I hope so at least. The spotlight turned on me and Emíne and the diamonds on my dress(that's the same as Emíne but the turquoise color) sent lightnings everywhere. Hers too, and whenever I looked at her I got blinded by the diamonds. She suddenly had a mic in her hand.

"Thank you everyone for coming to my party! It's been a long time, and I'm really happy to be back!" They cheered and she continued.

"I didn't know that this career was going to be this big. At first, from the age of 4 my dream has always been to be a model. My mom supported me, and I got my first gig! It was nothing big but slowly I got a great caréer ahead of me." She nearly started crying. "And now I'm here, just back from Japan. But it's not done yet, because I know that I can improve even more!"


She handed me the mic. Wait. She handed me the mic! What am I supposed to say?!

"Emíne!" I whispered, having a distant from the mic so that everyone wouldn't hear.


"What are you planning me to say?!" I whispered-shrieked.

"Let it come out of your heart sweetheart." she chuckled. She really wants to make a fool out of me. I turned to the mic, looking up at everyone.

"Um... I'm Sarah." I started, and I got nervous of the dead silence. "I just debuted as a singer. Since I was a kid I had loved my piano. My parents gently supported me and I improved everyday, writing my own songs. I had always thought that my songs are nothing to be on stage, and was never determined to even count it as a dream. But it happened so suddenly that I got my debut. My song, Trapped is the best I've written so far and I plan to do even better and improve, just like Emíne just said." I was planning to say even more that came into my mind but the room got overflowed by the claps. I was satisfied by the thought of just getting claps from an unprepared speech and smiled.

The room went back to its mingle mode and we walked down the stairs. I walked around with Emíne, talking to people about my new single and everything. I looked to the balcony and saw Darrén argue with a woman, but I didn't see how she looked like because I saw her from the back. But I assumed that it was his mom.


"What?" she asked when I interrupted her talking to an old man.

I pointed to the balcony and her eyes became smaller, to scan out the view.

"Oh, it's nothing important. They're always like that." she smiled, and returned talking. But I couldn't leave this matter. I know how much Darrén despise his mother's way of using Emíne so I can tell how much he doesn't want to be close to her. I bet she is trying to convince him into quitting school. I walked there with big steps and Darrén's eyes met mine. Apparently he hasn't seen me on the stairway with my speech since he looked so amazed of how I looked. I neared and smiled.

"What's happening here?" I smiled. The unknown woman turned her head to me and my eyes went big.

"Sarah?" the beautiful voice asked.

"Marilynne!" I shrieked and jumped into a hug, seeing Darrén flinch for a bit. Why are you hugging my mom his mind thought according to his face expression.

"Sarah, I haven't seen you for a week!" she smiled, and stared at my beautiful dress. "You look gorgeous!" She noticed that Darrén got left out. "Oh this is my son, Darrén. With an extra dash on the e." It's really Darrén's mom.

"I-I know. I met him at the school." His eyes was small and they were burning with fury.

"You go to East Creket?"

"N-No, I have a contract with East Creket and I go to the music room everyday." I explained.

"Oh sweetheart, you have become more and more popular! It's great for your caréer!" I nodded, looking at Darrén with a confused expression. But I guess Darrén is the most confused person here.

"Um Darrén... Marilynne was my stylist once... and that's how I know her." I hope he won't think that I went over to his mother's side. He smiled. But it wasn't a pleasant smile. It was the biggest fake smile I've ever seen, but no one would notice it. Only I saw through that he hid his fury with that stupid smile. I tried to break the tension.

"Uh Marilynne! I've seen Darrén around a lot doing modelling work too! Seems like the whole family lives in this world...!" At first she smiled but it faded away.

"I'm not proud of Darrén." I saw how he froze up. "I've always spent time making Emíne turn into a great model at her fathers agency and when I'm done and it's Darrén's turn he joins an other agency! It's one of our biggest enemies too." I listened quietly, realising the depth of her words. I understand that she doesn't like it but Darrén only joined an other agency so that he could get away from her.

"Not to mention it's that girl's father's agency." she added, and her face got darker somehow.


"That friend of Emíne, Ambreal Corina. I made Emíne tour around everywhere to stop those two from being together but when Emíne returned I just came back to square one." She sighed. What the hell. I can slowly see her true colors. I pretended that I understood her but it seemed like Darrén always sent me "I told you so" expressions. I big hand landed on Marilynne's shoulder.

"What are you doing out here in the cold beautiful?" She turned and smiled brightly.

"James." She kissed him and they turned their heads at me. I assume that's the father.

"Oh. You're the new artist!" He reached the hand to shake it with me. I smiled and did it. "What agency art you in?" he asked.

"CE Entertainment." I responded. His smile faded away.

"Why don't you join my agency? CE Entertainment is a smaller agency than mine and I can offer you much better equipment." His father is just the same! But as Darrén just mentioned his mom I guess she's the worse. She may even have turned the father like that.

"Oh sorry, I love my agency. I'm fine this way." I laughed. He nodded disappointed. Then he turned to Darrén.

"You too my son. I actually think that both of you should reconsider moving to our agency!" Darrén looked away, and didn't even want to listen. I realised how dense Emíne was to not notice how her parents are like(well Darrén is dense too but only in this matter he's not.).

"I was done considering since I started modelling." he mumbled but his father clearly heard it.

"Don't you understand that your job as a son, is to help me with the company?! You have to help me make the company more successful and when I retire you are going top inherit it!" He looked up at the stars.

"I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING SON! I BET YOU JUST PICKED ME UP FROM THE STREET TO WORK LIKE A SLAVE FOR YOU! I'M 17 AND I DO WHATEVER I WANT!" he yelled. Then he left his parents like that and dragged me along.

"Darrén...." I said and we reached an empty hallway. He pulled my arm and I flew to him in great force. His lips met mine again and he pulled away fast.

"The only reason you're here is this so leave now."

"What...?" I said, having my hand touching my lip.





Sarah Montana Living In The Boys' DormWhere stories live. Discover now