Natsu and Lucy

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"NATSU!" Lucy yelled at the pinkett in her bed," GET OUT!"
Lucy the Celestial wizard was wearing her usual tank top with a skirt and belt that's got her keys attached. Her blonde hair naturally falling and a little amount tied into a side pony tail.
He only let out a small groan before slightly opening his eyes.
"No..." He said vaguely.
"Natsu I'm going to the guild, you coming or not?" Lucy asked still out raged that Natsu was in her bed, HER bed.
Whys it always gotta be her stuck with him?
He was still unconscious and so the blonde left her apartment for the guild.
Little did she knew that he was had something in store for her.
She walked the normal path to the guild, but happily, as usual.
"Hey Blondie!" A familiar voice said pulling Lucy out of her happy thoughts.
It was Sting.
She turned around and saw Frosche, Rogue, Sting, and Lecter there.
"Hello, uh... Sabertooth," Lucy said a little nervous.
She knows that she'd never win a fight against them.
"Fairy-san! You should bow in the presence of the Great Sting!" The exceed Lecter shouted at her.
She then became mute, "I uh, better get going," she manged to mutter before panicking.
"Ugh! Blondie we want to walk with you to the guild!" Sting said stopping the other blonde.
"Ok... then that's fine by me, but only if you STOP CALLING ME BLONDIE!" She yelled the words that were in big.
"Pff, whatever," Sting muttered angrily.
Lucy noticed the usual quiet Rogue smile when she yelled at his partner.
So while they were walking with Sting in front and the exceeds talking, she walked in the back to walk along side Rogue.
"Hey, I understand that you don't talk," Lucy said smiling at Rogue.
Rogue just kept his usual pokerface but deep inside he was... surprised.
But outside he just nodded to the blonde.
"Fro thinks so too!" Fro yelled agreeing to something that Lecter said, which was probably something about how Great Sting is.
"Aww your exceed is so cute!" Lucy said smiling and fangirling about the cuteness.
"Good. Your aware that Frosche is not a frog," Rogue muttered, but Lucy couldn't hear it but Sting did.
And of course Rogue kept his pokerface.
"Fro thinks Fairy-san is pretty!" Frosche yelled cutely.
Lucy just smiled as she blushed and said, "awww thanks, Frosche but please can you call me Lucy?"
Frosche just hugged Lucy's ankle.
Which made Rogue, slightly jealous, just slightly though he kept his pokerface.
"Anyway..." Lucy said, "why are you guys going to the guild?"
"You fairies will get the pleasure of meeting THE Sting Euliclife!" (Or whatever his last name is) Lecter said exaggerating.
Lucy was the only one to sweat drop and laugh nurvously.
"Yeah! And I decided to let you be a Fairy tail member just like I'm about to become!" Sting said.
"Ok," Lucy said sighing, "so basically... your just joining the guild?"
"Yes," Rogue said under his breathe.
"Why make it so complicated?" Lucy asked sweat dropping.
Lucy was taken back and was starting to get angry.
But Lucy just sighed it off.
Then the group made it to Fairy Tail!
But when Lucy got there she saw...
Natsu and Lisanna kissing.
When they broke apart Lisanna noticed Lucy and rushed to her, "what is Sabertooth doing with you?" She asked worried.
"Long story," Lucy said, "why were you kissing Natsu?"
"Isn't it great?!" Lisanna asked excitedly, "he finally confessed!"
"Yeah..." Lucy said dryly looking away sadly.
Lisanna failed to notice this and ran towards Natsu to begin kissing again.
"Rogue... Sting, Fro, and Lecter please follow me," Lucy said gesturing them to follow her.
She lead them through the guild doors and as expected everyone was drunk and completely unaware that Ex-members of Sabertooth were in their presence.
They followed her past everyone and somehow made it to the masters office.
Lucy knocked lightly but a "come in, " was heard from inside.
So they walked in and Gramps had a big glass of wine in his hand.
"They would like to join the guild, Gramps!" Lucy said trying to smile but when she did Rogue noticed it was fake by the pain in her eyes.
"Oh, anything for you my child!" Gramps said drunkily.
Lucy smiled and smiled at the group," ok let's just hope he remembers this!" She said nurvously.
"Of course!" Gramps said interrupting her, by raising the wine in his hand, "go get them their Fairy tail marks!"
"Well if you insist!" Lucy said nodding.
She then lead them to the bar area which had a drunk Cana, and on the other side Gray and Natsu were fighting.
"Mira can you get them their marks?" Lucy asked sweetly.
"Oh, uh, yeah sure..." Mira said unsure if she should.
"Master said it was alright so," Lucy assured.
Mira then smiled big and asked them about their marks and they got the same ones from Sabertooth except in Fairy tail insignia.
"Where are you guys staying tonight?" Lucy asked turning back toward the group.
Then Sting just completely ignored her and went to Natsu.
The two started a fight.
And Lecter cheered Sting on.
"Lucy... we have no place," Rogue said emotionlessly.
"Oh," she said thinking, "well you can stay at my place until you get a new place."
Rogue just nodded.
Boy does Lucy not know what she's getting herself into...
well that was my first Rolu part 1! I really hope you liked it!

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