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“What on Earth are you talking about?” Quentan asks looking down on me.

“Well I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but apparently you, mom, Destiny, and whoever the hell else knows!” I cry throwing my airs into the air.

My dad’s eyes widen at the mention of Destiny, as well as my mother’s both their faces going pale. “D-destiny? How do you know Destiny?” my dad asks shocked, his control over my head and legs gone.

“I don’t know her, but she knows me; she knows all of us. Who is she, huh?  How come she gets to know what’s wrong with me and I don’t? What is wrong with me besides the obvious surface flaws?”

My mother takes a step forward and reaches out for my arm but the look in my eyes stops her. Annabel was right but I didn’t think she meant this soon, she thought. “Honey…”

A growl escapes my lips, something I haven’t done since I was little. I turn around and storm out of the house into the backyard towards Constance, my parents calling after me; I know my dad tries to stop me from moving again but for some reason it doesn’t work. I keep stomping forward breaking through the canopy in frustration. I drop at the roots of her trunk and cross my arms, glaring at the spot I just stormed through wishing my parents wouldn’t soon follow even though I know they’re going to.

My mother’s legs come into view and just when I think she’s going to go through the canopy she stops and recoils as if she hit the wall. My dad comes and does the same thing, both their voices muffled as if there really was an invisible wall there. Curious I rise and creep to where my parents are standing and extend my finger towards my mother (who was glaring at me)‘s stomach only to have it stopped by an invisible force. I blink in shock and try again a laugh escaping my lips as I poke the force field, the one I made. I burst into a fit of laughter as my parents stare at me shocked. I made a force field, my dad couldn’t even do that.

Swallowed up by my hysteria I don’t even notice the darkness closing in on my vision until it was too late and I was falling.


“She’s a witch, just like her mother,” Thomas Thompson growled pointing at the petite redheaded girl inside the pillory stock on the other side of the room. “She was standing in the middle of the freezing river in the dead of night, unaffected by the cold and unmoved by the current that would’ve swept away men three times her size, moving water into the air with her hands! Streams moving above her head at her very command.”

“Plus she put Jacob Hanley’s boy Kayleb under a spell,” James Mitchell added from his seat in the crowded courtroom.

Mayor Smith looked at Kayleb who was staring at the girl, Raven, somberly. “Kayleb is that true? Did Raven Fredricks cast a spell on you?”

Kayleb was hesitant to look away from Raven as he stared into her bright green eyes; she returned his gaze with a somber look telling him it was okay for him to answer. Kayleb silently sighed and looked from Raven to the mayor, rising as he answered. “Yes sir she did. I had passed the river last night to send a message for my father when I saw her in the river moving the water with her hands. I tried to return to the town to report her but she saw me and called out to me using her witchcraft to make my limbs immobile as she approached me. She tried to seduce me but when I would not yield to her she surrounded us in a cocoon made of water and forced me to mount her. Had Mr. Thompson not walk by in time I would have made relations against my will with it,” he forced himself to say the last word in disgust.

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