'"What the hell Xavier!?" So it was about six in the morning and I was awake and bored, and so was Xavier. We were both really hungry and craving pancakes.... well that really didn't go well.
"You threw the egg first!" He said upset. "You poured the flower on me first!" I say back. Xavier went to grab the flower, and thought it was funny to pour some on me. So I spilled the batter on him, he threw chocolate chips, I threw an egg, then he spilled the milk on me. And that's were we are now. "Ugh!" He groans wiping the batter from his face.
"Hey kiddos, I heard something down here and your mom made me come check out what it was." My dad said walking down the stairs. He looks up and sees the kitchen and us a mess. "What did you guys do?" He groans. Well at least he's not yelling.
"Uh pancakes?" I ask.
"Ugh just clean it up, happy birthday by the way guys." He says walking back upstairs.'

'"Oh hey, what's wrong?" He asked looking at me. "N-nothing..." I say making my way upstairs. "Ariel you and I both know that's not true...." Xavier says with sadness in his eyes. "He broke up with me..." I say letting the tears fall from my face. "What?" He asked surprised.
"Brice, he just broke up with me." I say sitting on my bed, I tried to have a steady voice but it didn't work. "I-I can't believe I wasted nine months of my life for him," I say angrily wiping away my tears. He sighs and pulls me into a hug, I just cry onto his shoulder hoping this was all just a dream and I can wake up, forgetting everything, even Brice. "It's ok," he whispered in my ear.'

'"You can't kill Lycans...." Carly growls. "They are immune to silver, they are stronger with their mate, they live for centuries, they are rare, they are strong, their blood...." Carly growls. She claws and Xavier's arm and slits mine. "Are blue......" she growls. I look at me arm to see my blood is blue along with Xavier's. "W-what?" He stares at me.
"You can't kill Lycans..."

'In an instant I was hit with the mouth watering smell. I look around and it hits me I stare into his eyes, my mate. I am petrified, I can't move. I could hear an earth trembling growl, he was there my mate. But he was staring not at me but behind me, I turn to see a gun pointed at my forehead.
"So these are the alpha's kids? Ha! Them Lycans?"
He said pulling back the trigger. It's him, the idiot from my dream. That was a real? "Yeah, the legends..." the other guy says. "Well this would be more easy than planned, good thing she didn't find her mate..." he starts growling. B-but I did... I did!
"A-Ariel?" I hear Xavier say. He's my mate?!'

'"Ariel?" I could see Xavier put my backpack down. He stops and stares at me, "Your in heat.." He growls. I could see his eyes turn gold. "Make it stop..." I say just above a whisper. I look up, to see Xavier is gone. He's gone? He left me? I cry into my pillow.
"Shh it's ok.." I could hear Xavier from behind me. I could feel him wipe away my tears, sparks danced across my face. It becomes worse by the second. "M-make it stop.." I cry.
"Are you sure?.." he asks holding me.
"I don't care, help me please..." I cry into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry..." he growls, before I could say anything he ripped off my shirt. The burning sensation calmed down, and the pain in my stomach was now a dull throb. I could feel his fingertips tracing up the side of my arm. I silently sob into his shoulder. "I'm sorry I can't fully make it stop..."'

'I sigh, at the corner of my eye I could see dark red eyes staring at us. I look up at Xavier and smile. "What's wrong?"
"What? I can't just smile?"
"Ariel I know you to well, what's wrong?"
"First of all smile....now." I whisper yell. 'Second don't look but there are creepy eyes staring at us through the window' I say through the mind link.
'Shit... are they red?'
'Yes, what do we do?'
'Well first...' he bends down and kisses me passionately. 'He was in your dream..'
'I could tell, he was in your dream. I threw a silver knife at him before we came down here..'
'He's a vampire...'
'In my dream he was a vampire.'
'Go get one for me' I peck him on the lips and get up to go to the kitchen. Sometimes it is good to have an over protective dad.
I grab the wooden knife from the cabinet. 'Is he still there?' I ask.
'Yep just as creepy as ever...' he growls. I slide the knife up my sleeve, I grab a cup of water. I smile and sit on his lap. "You better hit him or I kill you..." I whisper in his ear.
"You underestimate me," he whispers.
I could feel him grab the knife from my sleeve. He growls and throws the knife straight through the window, it breaks and the body turns to dust'

'"I'm so sorry Xavier, it must be hard for you to talk about this..." He slightly smiles and gently pushes my hair behind my ear. "I still have you though..." he whispers. I slowly peck him on the lips, he smiles.
I quickly follow after him, I look out of the cave to see he is gone? I look around, I could feel someone creeping up behind me. I smile. "Sorry sweetie..." I hear someone say. I quickly turn around. It's....... Before I could do anything she whacked me in the back of my head.'

Everything comes back to me, my birthday, Xavier, Joyce and Nicki, Carly! I hear her gasp. 'Ariel!' I hear her scream. Victoria did it!Suddenly I feel someone grab my wrist, I was pulled away from Xavier's grasp. "Finally, I found you Elizabeth..."

My Brother My Mate? जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें