They're both right and I screw my eyes shut for a minute to breathe things out. Then I open them and find Apollo. It's time to break the news.

I tapped him on the shoulder and after Hep walked over to Athena who was now, expanding the map view from my perspective, turned to acknowledge Hep with a smile. I faced Apollo again, "Hey." I try to sound happish, light voiced but it comes out strangled like I'm going to cry again. Instantly his smile is wiped off his face, "What happened with Aphrodite?"

I shrug, hugging myself. "She said that if we go get her, Hera will be expecting us all. She tole me not to get her or anybody else, because Hera will use that as a weakness and advantage."

I peek up and see him unhappy, eyes darkening to a navy blue. "It seems like Hera was sneaky and I was stupid to not see it." I looked at him confused.

"She made everyone feel great that everybody is alive but knows the second we know we will go back to get them. It's always been our greatest weakness to have family stick together, that's what Aphrodite told us to not come. It will confuse Hera," he explains. I nod. That makes complete sense.

" So that means we have extra time to get a more close location that we can use to attack them unexpectedly, because since they expect a instant response from everyone. A later attack will not be expected and that will be still enough time to get everybody," I adding looking at him for confirmation.

"Well, I didn't think far, but that seems pretty brilliant. Hera knows that immortals always act on instant, our cursed flaw. But if we delay that reaction, she'll be more confused in why we even attacked!" he exclaimed excitedly and hugged me, "That's brilliant."

"Okay, so let me check on how Athena's doing and you gather everybody to tell them the change of plans?" I ask, and he nods.

I walk over to Athena and Hep, "So Athena, what location did you find?"

"It seems like somewhere in Lower Manhattan, but it keeps moving in the same place for the past few minutes. The Elite Doctor moves a lot but Artemis told me what Aphrodite saw. She said she also wants to talk to you about something," Athena mentions, pointing to te the couches where Artemis sat, waiting probably, "I'm just gonna add in the environment Dite described." I nodded then hurried over to the couches.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I ask Artemis, seating next to her at a comfortable distance.

"Yeah," she says, adjusting her spot to look over at me, "About what Aphrodite said and my brother." I froze, but nodded nevertheless.


The door opened and Zeus walked in whispering to Apollo, and he nodded. We both looked at them, and I think so was everybody else.

"Everybody if I can have your attention. Change of plans slightly. We will not be getting Aphrodite, she told Kate herself not to go. Hera will be expecting us, and that makes sense since she is most likely the one who sent the vision to Kate. So instead we will focus on preparing more and attacking a week and a half later, exactly. Zeus has also taken time to ask Helios, but the sun god is siding on neutral. He will not be involved in this war, so for now keep doing your training and you preparing, because in a week and a half times we will give them a worthy fight," Apollo says. 

Roars of approval rolled over the crowd, extreme shouts could be heard from Artemis beside me.

"Dismiss," Zeus ordered and everybody moved to either rest up more or do more planning. The Zeus himself left mumbling about work to be done. 

"Kate?" Artemis snapped me out my dazing. I nodded for her to talk.

"I know you know Brooklyn and anything on Earth better than any immortal so I have to ask you, have you ever been to a place where they're were many cars that just stayed outdoors. Aphrodite mentioned a school with a name of see something. I know that she also said that a lot of the people had the same uniform on," Artemis described.

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