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Name: Charlotte Marie Wilson
Nickname's: Charlie, Lottie

Age: 27

Hair color: Dirty blonde

Eye color: Green

Height: 5'0"

16 years ago

"Daryl!" 10 year old Charlotte shouted to a 15 year old Daryl Dixon, who promised to wait at the corner of her street every day when she got out of school. He flashed her a half grin as she ran straight into him, nearly knocking him over. He looked up at the sound of pounding feet. He glared at the three boys who were known well for bullying Charlotte at school. One of them had a bloody and crooked nose. They stopped running after Charlotte when they spotted Daryl and turned around, running in the other direction.

"I did it." Charlotte panted, letting go of Daryl.

He crouched down to her level as she held up her fist, her knuckles red and bleeding. He smiled at her. "Good job, Charlie. I taught you well." He praised her, bringing her in for a quick hug. When he pulled away, there was a sad look in his eyes, but he hid it well. "Okay, Charlie, listen. I can't come to your house today."

Tears welled up in her eyes and spilled over. "Why?" She asked, her voice cracking. "My mom doesn't hit me when you're there."

He sighed and kept his eyes on the ground, unable to watch her cry. "Merle found out about us hanging out." He lied smoothly.

Charlotte let out a sob and hugged him, her tiny hands clutching on the back of his shirt. "You'll meet me here tomorrow though, right?" She asked as she pulled away.

He nodded. "Sure thing, Charlie."

She kissed his cheek and wiped her tears "Bye." She said.

"See ya later." He said. Charlotte walked down her street, knowing she would get a beating the minute she got home. Daryl knew it too. He was expecting the same thing. Little did either of them know, that was the last time they would see each other for a long time.

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