Chapter 2

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Niall and I had been dating for about a year and a half now. We know each other so well that it’s almost a little disturbing. He always knows when I’m cooking, I always know when he’s grumpy. He always knows when I’m on my “time of the month”, I always know when he’s hungry. It’s one of those relationships that have lasted so long that there’s almost nothing you don’t know about each other. We’re so trusting to each other, so trusting in fact that if Niall were to tell me he was having an affair, I would be more surprised than hurt.

It’s not a very passionate romance. Niall and I are both Catholic, and while we know the whole, “Sex is for making babies” rule in Catholicism, we’ve already done it, and mutually agreed that maybe we should wait. We both weren’t virgins when we met each other, but our experience was pretty limited. Suffice to say, we’re awkward in bed.

I met Niall when I was eighteen, after I finished the film I was working on; Castle in the Clouds. It’s basically about a girl (me) who’s schizophrenic and believes that she is the princess of a castle that’s on the clouds. It’s pretty dramatic in my opinion, and I guess it was a good movie because I won an Oscar for it. At the after-party, I was introduced to Niall.

I’m not going to deny that I wasn’t a Directioner. I was actually a huge Directioner. I had posters of One Direction pasted all over my walls when I was in high school, and I was always belting out to their music whenever it came on the radio. I never went to a concert, (couldn’t afford the tickets,) but I was truly dedicated to them.

Niall had always been my favorite, and when I met him, I was psyched. I tried really hard not to look like a fan girl, but I’m sure I did, because I kept on saying, “I’m such a big fan!”

Niall asked for my number that night, and he called me up the next day, and the rest is history.

The rest of the guys like me. I’m really close to Liam, who’s like my best guy friend. He gives the best advice, and he’s so level-headed. He’s the perfect person to talk to when I’m down.

Louis is my bud. He and I are always having laughs together, and Zayn and I have intellectual talks about current events, astronomy, anything to be honest. I don’t like Harry though. He’s always been distant, and he’s always slightly rude to me.

Here’s an example.

I’m out with the guys at a restaurant, and I’ll be talking to Louis and Niall. We’ll be joking about something sexual, and just as I’m telling them about something gross, Harry will say something like, “I bet you’d like that done to you.” Then he’ll get a glimmer in his eye, or wink at me, and I roll my lip up in disgust and say, “Don’t be gross Harry.”

The other boys won’t say anything, and so we’ll just move on, but lately, it’s really been getting on my nerves lately. What did I ever do to prompt Harry into bugging me? I’ve once tried to complain to Niall about it, but he just shrugged.

“I don’t know why he says that,” Niall said, his eyes as honest as could be. “I wouldn’t worry though, he does that to everyone.”

I’m getting sick of Harry Styles. I don’t deserve his bugging, and what did I ever do to get on his case?

I Would {A Harry Styles and Niall Horan Fan-Fic} (Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now