I heard a voice, muffled to my ears, which were being squashed slightly by the pressure I was pushing my face into Jord’s chest. “You can go and see the girl who was shot as soon as you like, she just needed to be seen to immediately.” The policeman’s voice echoed through to me.

Jord’s chest vibrated as he replied. “Thank you,” he acknowledged this information. “I’m sure Jess and Grace will both want to go and see her.”

“Well, we’re going to have to ask you three to vacate the premises anyway, because we need to take some evidence. Although, we will be in contact I’m afraid. We’ve got Arthur Sledhill handcuffed in the car, but we’ll need statements.” He outlined the basic procedures.

I felt Jord nod against my head and thank the man once more, before he pushed me back slightly. His hand rested gently on my cheek. “Jess,” he began softly, his voice reaching my ears and making me feel a hundred times better already. “We need to drive to the hospital.”

I barely managed to nod my head and I let him steer me towards his car, which was among the several police vehicles.

I sat down in his front seat in a daze. Grace entered the back in a similar sort of way, her face stained with tears, her gaze unfocused.

By the time we arrived at the hospital, I had regained some composure. I wasn’t quite so shell shocked anymore and I could understand that I needed to stay strong for Mel, she would need me when she woke up, and she would wake up.

In the hospital, I knew people wouldn’t be aware of Jord’s status as my teacher, so I felt less cautious about leaning on him for support here. If I needed it, he’d be there to give it to me. At least I hoped that would be how it went.

Reaching the front desk, it was Jord who made the request for Mel’s room number, which he was instantly given after outlining the situation.

Silently, we trundled up to her temporary room together. She wasn’t there at the moment, we were told, because she was undergoing emergency surgery to remove the bullet. She would be here within the hour, though.

Collapsing into on of the plastic chairs, Jord sat down beside me, Grace excusing her self to use the toilet.

“Thanks for saving me.” I whispered to him, the first coherent words I had actually spoken to him since he’d turned up.

A sad smile graced his face as he turned his intense stare on me. “I couldn’t not save you Jess. I was distraught when I saw you being taken by him.”

His eyes glinted the pain he was trying to hide at me being kidnapped, but I could read into his face much more than he anticipated.

Boldly, I snatched his hand. “I’m fine.” I assured him honestly. Physically, I had undergone barely any harm and apart from the minor slash Arthur had inflicted on my arm and some bruising, all was well.

“That’s not the point,” Jord argued. “What if something had happened to you? I’d have been killing myself because I hadn’t gotten there in time. If I’d been quicker, if I’d realised what was going to happen sooner, read more into the threat he given you, I could have stopped it. I’d never have lived with myself if something had happened to you.”

I felt tears prick at my eyes. Never had I had such an open confession of anything so heart wrenching. “I wouldn’t have blamed you.” I contradicted what he’d said.

“You should have done.”

I leaned closer, clasping his hand tighter. “No, I couldn’t.” I stated, trying to convey how sincere I was. I couldn’t, not at all. I would never blame Jord for this.

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