"Don't listen to that silly man this Grand Ball is the best event of the year it sometimes even beats Christmas." She grin widely.

"Stop exaggerating mom, it's just like prom but it's more traditional, more money burned to help this event come to life for just one night. If you tell me it's a big waste of time." Sky rolled his eyes chewing his bread.

"Oh you're just like your father." Amy shook her head but a hint of pride lingered in her eyes making me smile. 

David put the newspaper down and winked at his son causing Amy to scowl. I held an amused look but it quickly vanished when Amy said something to me.

"Never mind them Hailey, us girls will have fun. Tonight will be great I will get you the best gown and-

"Oh I'm coming? I'm not really into those stuff Amy and I don't really need you to spend money on me when you already do so much for me." I shook my head politely. 

Her expression soften replace by a warming kind smile she reach towards me and took my hand in hers. 

"Everything I do for you is everything I want to do and it's pleasure and a much better house with you in it. You are part of this family and our family goes to the Grand Ball." She grinned. 

I put on a fake smile really hating anything that got to do with dance events but I pretend I'm excited for Amy. 

"Okay." I smiled feeling my cheeks hurt from the plastic smile I held. 

"Great!" She grinned throwing her arm over my shoulder pulling me into a hug. "Oh I have so much to do. Got to go everyone have a good day and I will see you all back here at 3pm it takes a while to get ready." 

She could almost jump and hop along all the way to work. David stood up looking at me in pity making me chuckle.

"I have to go as well, I'll see you too and remember don't be late don't come at 4pm this time Skyler remember what happened." He lectured. 

"Yeah yeah." Sky mumbled pouting slightly.

"See you kids." He waved and went off with their busy lives.

"What happened when you were late?" I look at Sky in curiosity.

"She made me sit at the kids table and I had to baby sit them." He mumbled a sad pout place on his lips almost making want to reach over and pinch his cheeks at how adorable he looks. Instead I laughed, a whole heartfelt laugh. 

His pout vanished and is replaced by a grin staring at me.

"Oh you think that's funny huh?" He teased. "Just wait until you're hair has been burned and pulled and your skin plucked to perfection, waxed and moisturized for a billion times and tightened your dress until your organs are pushed together." 

My smile dropped looking at him in horror as he looks at me with a straight face. 

"Just kidding my mom is not that crazy." He broke into laughter seeing the dread in my eyes. "You'll have fun I promise. It's nothing like other dance you will ever go to, this event has been going on for century and people have a really great time about it. It's like being in a different time that makes things exciting." He smiled standing up.

"Come on let's skip school and go Grand Ball shopping."

"No way." I shook my head terrified of the thought of Sky being on the other side of the curtain while I try on dresses like he's my date.

An mischivious glint wash over his eyes it makes me believe there's nothing innocent reflecting in his eyes. I gulp shaking my head rapidly already reading what's going through his mind.

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