Chapter Two - Vortex of Words

Start from the beginning

A sudden flash of lightning startled me from my reading, and a tiny frown at the interruption appeared on my lips. The thunder followed, along with the loud slam of rain against the roof. It sounded oddly close... but I ignored it, continuing to read.


Ranger raised an eyebrow toward his partner.

"Its just antiseptic. You've had worse." He stated blandly, pulling a curved pre-sterilized needle from a small sealed packet.

"You just jammed your damn finger in it!" Ethan complained, shooting him a harsh glare. It was promptly ignored as the needle was threaded.

"Shut up." He pinched the flesh together, bringing the needle toward the wound to start stitching it with expertise gained through his three years of experience. Though it hadn't stopped bleeding entirely, it was now only a thin stream of blood that could easily be wiped away.

They had stopped at an old dock, well away from the glow of the ongoing fire. The rain had stopped thankfully, making it easier to preform the task at hand. A single lamp post illuminated the two of them, giving much light to the wound that they wouldn't be able to obtain sitting in the car.

"So now what?" Ethan finally asked after a short silence, seeming to have calmed from his apparent hissy fit. Ranger paused his hand for only a moment, narrowing his eyes a fraction before continuing.

"We don't have any leads... And more people keep vanishing, then turning up dead..." The dark male continued, scowling as he turned his head to face the churning water below.

"I know."

"You know?" His head snapped around, eyes now harsh as he glared at the blond haired male.

"We all know! Every hunter from around the globe knows, Ranger!"Ranger let out a heavy sigh, closing the box containing their stash of medical supplies and setting it on the thick railing that separated them from the sea.

"What the fuck is he planning? We cant get a hook on him, and our only lead turned out to be nothing but a bunch of crap!" He waved a hand in the direction of the burning building, the glow hidden in the darkness of the storm. His gaze remained sharp, and somehow lost. He seemed to be almost pleading for answers he knew that his friend did not have. Above them, thunder rolled through the sky, and a flash of lightning illuminated the churning waves below.

Almost as if the weather was humoring me and my reading, the storm outside my home was growing louder as well. It only made this scene more chilling. A small part of me noticed how the words seemed darken, the book shaking in my hands. But I quickly brushed it off as my own excitement.

I was an enthusiastic reader.

Folding one leg over the other, I continued my reading.

"What-" Ethan began once more, but it was too late as Ranger turned on him. All pretense of calmness washed away as his lips curled in a snarl that was anything but handsome.

"What the fuck do you want from me?!" His outcry was sharp and loud, eyes turning furiously toward his friend. The clouds seemed to darken, the rain growing louder and the wind stronger. The storm swirled overhead, not even a slight glimpse of the sky could be seen.

Something tugged in my chest, and distantly I could hear Kenny scratching furiously at the small bars of his cage.

"What the fuck is your plan? Because it seems to me you sure as hell don't have one." He growled, and if he hadn't been so enraged he would have noticed Ethan had for once gone silent during an argument.

His eyes were filled with guilt for his own outburst, and for a small moment he seemed about to step forward and apologize. It was all ignored as the blond began to stalk back and forth, hand coming dangerously close to the gun at his hip.

"What makes you think I haven't been thinking the same exact crap?"

A chill ran up his spine as the electricity in the air intensified. The thunder growing louder and far closer than before. A new feeling settled in the base of his stomach, and the hair on the back of his neck rose.

A small breath escaped my lungs, and I became slightly lightheaded. My body pitched forward suddenly, a hard rush of cold air stinging my cheeks. And in that moment I swore I could smell salt water.

All words of rage vanished from Rangers lips as he gazed up toward the swirling clouds, a flash of light catching his attention almost immediately.

Everything went black.


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