I decided to go sulk somewhere else. I headed over to the bar, crashing into one of the booth seats. A barman quickly scurried over to ask what I wanted. I waved him away, not wanting anything. I don't drink alchohol.

My eyes flickered to the girl beside me. I smirked. She was passed out, her blonde head laying clumsily on the marble countertop, drool seeping out of the corner of her mouth, and her arms dangling beneath her. And this, I noted, is the after-effects of getting over-drinking.

There was a boy in the booth beside the sleeping drunk girl. He seemed pretty wasted too, except he wasnt passed out. He was chugging a vodka bottle, his dirty blonde hair flopping wildly upon his head. He slammed down the bottle and let out a loud burp. I crinkled my nose. No manners at all. His eyes had deep, dark circles underneath them and he looked like he was about puke, the way he squinted his eyes and made a face of utter disgust. He lifted to bottle again, about to take another swig of vodka.

I stumbled out my booth and staggered over to him, snatching the bottle out of his grip. "You, sir, do not need any more of this."

"Give it back!" He slurred. "I'm thirsty!"

"You," I told him. "Are wasted. You should go home. Are you even old enough to drink?"

"Don't you know who I am?" He snapped. He suddenly cringed, putting his hand to his forehead.

I smirked. "Headache? This is why you shouldn't drink."

"I'm 17!" He informed me stupidly.

I rolled my eyes. "Not 21."

"You're not my mother." He barked. "Give it back!" He took a grab for it but I pulled it back, out his reach. He stumbled forward, off his booth and onto me.

"Hey!" I fussed, dropping the bottle. It clattered to the floor, vodka spilling out of it.

The boy didn't seem to notice. He was holding onto me, his eyes drooping. He was about to pass out like the blonde chick. Oh great.

I sighed. "Don't worry. I'll get you out of here." I mumbled to the drousy boy. I let him wrap an arm around me as I dragged him out of the club, pushing my way through the crowd. Now what? I thought to myself.

There was a restraunt in front of the club. I couldn't see the name. The sign's lights weren't working and it was dark out. There didn't seem to be many people inside. I could only see a few lingering shadows.

I pulled the boy toward the restraunt. He cooperated, half fainted. The bell ringed as I pryed open the door. A girl that seemed to be in her early twenties greeted us. She had short black hair and almond-shaped eyes. Her nose was pierced and so was her lip, along with extra piercings on her ears.

"Welcome to Krystal's Korner!" She chirped. "Come! I'll show you over to a table!" She motioned us over and gave the boy a weird look.

I looked over to see his head flopped down onto my shoulder, his eyes drooping. I frowned and looked down to see a pair of sunglasses sticking out of his front pocket. I snatched them and slide them over his eyes. Now he looked slightly normal and...not drunk.

I followed the chick to some semi-circle booth. The seats were made of red leather and the wood on the table shined, my reflection visible upon it. I slid in, dragging the boy with me.

"Is he ok?" The girl, Maya (according to her name tag) asked me.

"He's..." I bit my lip. "It's past his bedtime."

Maya clucked her tongue. "Boys will be boys." She chuckles. "Now what can I get you?"

"I'll just have some fries and a coke." I pause. "And some water for him."

Maya nods. "Got it. Ketchup?"


"Back in a jiff." She winks and struts off. I look back towards the boy and gently nudge him.

"Hey." I whisper. "Drunkie."

He moans. "Where am I?" He goes to rub his eyes and his sunglasses fall off, revealing a pair of caramel-like brown eyes.

"Out of that club." I tell him with a frown. "What's your name, anyways?"

He head flops back down onto my shoulder. "Justin." He mutters.

I squint and look at his closely. "...Bieber?" I choke.

He answers me with a "Mhm" and his eyes begin to slowly close again.

My eyes widen. Why didn't I notice before? I shrug. I wasn't a fan. He's been all over the news lately, not that I paid attention.

Maya returns with a plate of fries and two glasses, one with coke and one with water.

"Enjoy!" She sing-songs, places the stuff on the table, and quickly leaves.

I grab at a french fry and stuff it into my mouth. "Hey," I nudge Justin once again. "Want a french fry? Or water?"

He opens his eyes and shrugs. "Vodka?"

I almost slapped him. "Water. Take it or leave it?"

He groans and snatches the glass off the table causing water to spill all over the both of us.

"What the hell?!" I shriek, now shivering.

His stare is blank. He takes a sip of the remaining water and places the glass back onto the table.

"You're wet." He points out.

"I know!" I scowl. "It's your fault!"

"Sorry." He mutters and to my surprise he prys off his leather jacket and uses it to try to clean the water off me.

I purse my lips. "Leather doesn't do much."

He ignores my comment and keeps dabbing at my jeans. He does the best he can to dry himself next and then throws the jacket aside.

He yawns and then cringes, placing his hand to his head.

"Still have headache?" I ask him.

He nods and rests his head back onto my shoulder. I let him and go back to snacking on french fries.

When I look back at him, he's asleep, his breathing soft and gentle. I don't know why, but my heart sorta flip-flops.

I take a sip from my coke and yawn. I'm tired. Mia's probably looking for me. I don't know what to do.

Sleep begins to take over me. My head falls onto Justin's and my eyes slowly close.

My last thought was "What had I gotten myself into?"


Author's Note: Should I continue?? Tell me if it's good! :) I had a little trouble getting my idea written. I actually rewrote this chapter TWICE!! I wanted to make it one of my best! So please COMMENT VOTE & FAN!! I love you all! If I do continue, things will begin to get interesting staring in chapter three... >;-]

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