Chapter 4: Attraction

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"She's paranoid and a psycho."

Ash chuckled. He lay down on his old bed and kept staring at Misty's business card. "She's not; she just hates men, for some reason."

"What? That's stupid."

"Not really. Maybe some guy hurt her in the past. You never know."

"And why do you want to speak to her then?" Gary raised an eyebrow. He was sitting down on the desk chair.

"Because... uhm. I don't know? She's just funny. She does those funny looking faces—it's funny, and cute. She acts funny. It makes me laugh."

"I don't understand you."

"I don't understand me either."

"Does that mean you'll be turning down Anabel?"

Ash pulled himself up and sat down on his bed. His eyes never left the business card. "I don't know. She's a co-worker."

"You're not at the office all the time."

"Things are already starting to get awkward between us. No, I don't want to date a co-worker. Anabel is a sister."

Gary spread his arms. "The friendzone. Level: Ash Ketchum."

"That got old."

"What is wrong with you, Ketchum?"

"I know you care about Anabel because she's your best friend but you can't make me feel bad about it and just say yes to her."

"I'm not trying to make you feel bad; I'm just making sure you won't die alone."

"Or maybe you're turning into this creepy paranoid curious housewife who wants to know everything running in the neighborhood because she thinks her husband is cheating on her? Calm down, Gary. You're giving me the creeps."

Gary made a face. "Wrong answer."

Ash smiled to himself. He looked at the card again. Misty Williams. Registered Nurse. Geriatrics specialist. Hospital of Cerulean city – Cerulean Women Care Home.

"Opposite attracts."

"That's high school bullcrap, Ketchum."

"No, it's not. She's different. I like her."

"Well, good luck trying to convince the men-hater to date you. She could put poison in your food or something. She could even report you for abuse if you shove her to the wall and try to kiss her. I have to go now. See ya."

Gary slammed his hand against the desk and got up. He left Ash's old bedroom. The raven haired lay down again, eyes fixed always on the card.

"I'm up to the challenge then."

* * * * * * * *

"Hey Grandma Margaret! How are you today?" spoke up a cheerful Misty in her blue nurse uniform as she walked toward an old woman with white short hair who was throwing the bread crumbs to the pigeons. She was always the one to do this in this care home.

"I am good," the woman replied with a smile. Misty sat beside her on the bench and placed her hand on the old woman's back.

"Does your vision still get blurry?"

"No, not so much."

"That's good." Misty wrote down everything on her notebook. She placed it on her lap. "Perfect!"

"How was your day then, darling?"

"Uhm, well... good."

Margaret turned toward Misty slowly. She was still smiling. "From the tone of your voice, it seems like something is going on."

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