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Misty knew guys didn't think like girls.

Ever since she was a teenager, she always wondered how the guys thought, how did they feel about everything around them, what ran inside their heads... she was curious, because she had no male figure in her life.

When she met Ash, he frustrated her. He sure did drive her crazy. It was something new she was experiencing; his little nice gestures, combined with his somewhat mean words, and that smirk and look he gave her sometimes... it was impossible catching him or even catching up to him. He always found a way to make her scream her lungs out and throw her handbag at him (even after they got married).

And then, surprise! Her first baby was a boy, Anthony (Uhm, yeah, no Isabelle or Elizabeth...).

Oh, a boy.

Sure, she was okay with any gender, but boys were a new challenge for her. Boys were not like her, and she knew she will learn a lot by raising one.

"Are you going to keep trying until you get a girl?"

Two, Christopher.

"Oh, it's a boy? Again? I'm so sorry..."

Three, Dylan.

"You know, even if you had another child, there would be no guarantee it would be a girl."

And when Misty was pregnant with her fourth baby, Stella was straightforward about things (Misty presumed she lost a bet or something, considering they always made Chloe say things like these):

"Uhm... mom said to call her if it's a girl..."

Unlike Misty's own sisters, who gave birth to both girls and boys, Stella's second was a boy too, and Chloe's twins turned out to be both boys. It was all-boys' party. Eric and Stella decided they had enough kids and Chloe didn't want to be stuck with a lot of children as Jacob traveled all the time.

Four... Matthew.

People just didn't get it. Misty and Ash didn't have their second, third or even fourth baby because they were trying for a girl. Misty wasn't disappointed at all. She loved her four boys. They were amazing. Ash loved them too, and the two were sure their girls would have been too, if they had any.

Misty was excited, and sure did have some expectations when it comes to the little princes:

"Oh, you'll be treated like a queen!"

Reality: no, not even close. No one cares if you're the only female in the house. Maybe the right word to pick is chambermaid. Hints: toys, legos, legos, legos, and more legos to pick up—and to step on.

"Boys never keep something on its place with their roughhousing and playing!"

Reality: On its place? They mean in one piece. Ash's laptop broke in half and the screen shattered, he lost two phones, and their neighbor found the third in his backyard—again, with the screen completely broken. Misty's chargers went always missing, the curtain rods got always yanked down, Misty's necklaces got always broken, and the cat was completely traumatized and soaking wet once.

He died after a week or so, and Ash and Misty are still not sure (to this day) what did they make him eat as they found something green smashed into his face.

Let's just say the first years were rough... very rough. Misty quit her job because working at night and raising four little boys didn't really make a good combination, and Ash stopped working from home by the time she gave birth to Chris.

He also developed a really bad habit, which is heavy, deep sleep, so Misty couldn't really rely on him when it came to watching the kids. He'd just eat his food and go sleep—and good luck waking him up (even the next morning).

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