Chapter 1: S.O.S

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Misty groaned loudly. She couldn't believe how unlucky she was.

"Oh my God..."

The red-haired young girl pulled her phone out. She knew the battery was dead. Misty had no idea why she still hoped her phone was going to get switched on miraculously.

"I hate this."

It only had to get turned off when she's in the middle of the road traversing Viridian forest, at nine thirty at night, and when she had to get a flat tire. This was such a horrible day. Misty regretted even deciding to go fishing today.

Now she's stuck in the dark, the middle of nowhere, with a flat tire she has no idea how to fix, and a dead phone.

Misty felt like crying. If only this didn't happen in the middle of the forest. She'd have to wait for hours if she wants someone to show up and help her.

"It better be a woman who knows how to fix a flat tire..."

Because Misty Williams is convinced that men are jerks, men deserve to die; men are the enemy. Her father left her mother because she couldn't give birth to a boy. Her dad is such an ignorant and retarded person. Misty hates him too. Her mother always told her that her dad was just looking for excuses to leave but Misty never believed her.

The male race needs to die.

Misty swore to herself she was never going to come near a man. Dating was out of question. She couldn't believe how her sisters drooled over those stinky creatures and bore getting heartbroken by them. She felt humiliated when they whined about getting cheated on to each other. Misty wanted to punch them in the faces sometimes.

"They think they're better because they have stuff dangling between their legs..." Misty hissed. She jumped up in her seat when she noticed a car driving the opposite way. She quickly got out of the car and waved her hand to them. The car pulled over. Misty could tell it was a sports car.

"Uh, it's some rich bastard. Way to go, Misty..." the redhead had a feeling she'll be dealing with a guy.

"Oh my God..."

She was right.

Two men got out of the front seats as the car doors opened. They were walking toward her quickly.

"Calm down; calm down... you need help, Misty..." the redhead tried to calm herself. She was feeling totally frustrated.

"Is something wrong, miss?" One of them asked. The other stood slightly behind him, hands in pocket. He was checking Misty out and it was obvious to her.

Misty glared at the man in front of her; he was a tanned average height man wearing swimming shorts and a white summer t-shirt. His hair was black and his face was perfectly chiseled. He looked athletic too.

Oh no Misty, you don't think he's hot... NO.

"No, there is nothing wrong-"

"You were waving at us," The other man from behind cut her off. He had spiky brown hair and ivory skin. His white tank top showed his biceps and he wore shorts too. He looked more toned than his companion.

"Unless you wanted something else." The brunette's eyes flicked down to her chest. Misty wanted to punch his face.

"Gary." The black haired young man snapped at his friend, Gary. This was totally ridiculous because the raven haired took a moment to glance at her chest too.

Misty lighted gasped. What? What? No, she certainly wasn't going to accept any help from these two dirty, stinky, arrogant men.

"He was just — he was just joking. Do you need any help?"

"No, I don't. Now get out of my face."

The redhead got back inside her car and locked it. She couldn't believe this; the stinky male race always manages to make her day hell, even when her day is already horrible enough. The last thing she needed is getting hit on and treated like a cheap prostitute.

Misty rolled up the window. She could still catch the two men's sights with the corner of her eye. She gasped when the black haired one bent down to her car tire's level.

Misty instantly got out. "Don't touch my car!"

"This needs to get changed."

"I know! Don't touch my car with your stinky hands! I said I don't need your help!"

His friend bent down too. He then pulled himself up. "Do you have a spare one? Ash could fix it for you."

The redhead was frustrated. Deep inside though, she was starting to feel reassured. She wasn't going to spend the night here at least — but wait; she couldn't let him change her tire. It'd mean she's an incapable woman, and Misty knows she is not. She's independent and she can fix anything and everything on her own. She doesn't need a man in her life and never will. She is better than billion men out there.

And plus, she can't look so weak in front of a man.

"Wait — leave it be!" Misty pulled the guy away by his hands. Ash pulled himself up, slightly shocked at her gesture.

"It's alright, we can fix it. Do you have a spare-"

"Thank you, I will change it myself! Now, you may leave!"

The two men remained quiet for a moment. Gary spoke up, "Come on Ash. Let's leave. She said she'll fix it on her own."

Misty watched as the two walked slowly their way back to their car. The redhead was starting to freak out again. But no, she wasn't going to stomp on her dignity and let a man help her.

Next time, she was going to check the net and learn how to fix a flat tire on her own, but until then...

"Wait! Wait! Please help me!"

To be continued

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